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他真是鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。He really gave his all till his heart ceased to beat.

我开始意识到格西的确在实践“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”。I began to realize that Gussie was offering her own last true measure of devotion.

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简单明了地,奋不顾身、死而后已的公司列表名单在不断续写。The simple fact is that the list of companies that have tried and failed is growing.

俺不敢发誓“鞠躬尽瘁死而后已”,但定会竭尽全力勤勉服务于大家。I dare not swear "dedicated his heart stopped beating", but will try our best to service you.

我倒愿意工作不息,死而后已,因为我知道别人会继续我未完成的事业。I should wish die while still at work, knowing the others will carry on what i can no longer do.

我永远不会忘记给我第二次机会的你们,我会在你们需要的时候支持你们,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。I’ll never forget who gave me a second chance, and I’ll be there for you till the last dog dies.

在新罕布什尔州竞选活动最后几天,“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”成了我们竞选队伍的战斗口号。Till the last dog dies became the rallying cry for our troops in the last days of the New Hampshire campaign.

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只是说,只要我活着,还有一口气,我就要为人民鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已。I only want to say that as long as I am alive and have one more breath, I will "work hard and will not cease till my death".

雅各和约翰全力支持母亲提出的要求,向耶稣保证他们愿意为主和祂的国度作战到底,死而后已。James and John, who fully supported their mother's request, assured Jesus that they were willing to fight and even die for the Lord and his kingdom.

在第十一章的著名段落里,他说,“全人类共有的普遍倾向是,得其一思其二,死而后已,永无休止的权势欲In a famous passage from chapter 11 he posits, as he puts it, "a general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire " of power after power that ceaseth only in death."

在第十一章的著名段落里,他说,“全人类共有的普遍倾向是,得其一思其二,死而后已,永无休止的权势欲“In a famous passage from chapter 11 he posits, as he puts it, "a general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire " of power after power that ceaseth only in death."