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这和我们的方针相抵触。It is against our policy.

那两门测验的钟点互有抵触。The hours of those two exams conflict.

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对于我的婚姻和上帝,我都抵触。I was rebellious to my marriage and God.

和未来同事是一拍即合还是会产生抵触?Do You Click or Clash With Future Coworkers?

解决这种抵触的主如果咖啡。The coffee is essential in resolving such standoffs.

Rafael认为,有些管理层是抵触改变的。In Rafeal’s opinion, some managers are change averse.

它把一个自然的抵触转化为了一个道德的愤慨。It transforms a natural repugnance into a moral shock.

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肛·门区域被触碰让很多男人心生抵触。Many men are afraid of being touched in the anal area.

一个人永远不会给你什么启示,直到你跟他相抵触。A man never tells you anything until you contradict him.

这名司机被相抵触的路标给弄糊涂了。The driver was bewildered by the conflicting road signs.

我们人类似乎对变化有着天生的抵触心理。We humans seem to have a natural-born subject to change.

由于政见的抵触,泰勒被辉格党开除出党。In retaliation, the Whigs expelled Tyler from their party.

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但对该裁决的支持最初与党的路线抵触。But support for the ruling initially cut across party lines.

但是这些大多未经检验,并且在某些情况下相互抵触。But these are mostly untested and, in some cases, controversial.

肾结石、乙肝的饮食有抵触没?Does the food of liver of kidney stone, second have inimical not?

思想保守的民警可能抵触新事物的引进等。Thought keeping staff may conflict with the new thing fetching in.

美国运输安全管理局感觉乘客很抵触全身扫描和搜身检查。The TSA is feeling major pushback on full body scans and pat-downs.

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她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。She had not come to him today with this feeling of sullen antagonism.

凡与本通知相抵触的各项规定同时废止。Any notice in conflict with the provisions of simultaneously repealed.

激励计划因此会与改变和响应度相抵触。Incentive plans can therefore mediate against change and responsiveness.