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委员会分设以下四个功能小组。Committee was divided four function groups.

学校不得分设重点班和非重点班。And the schools shall not divide the classes into key and non-key classes.

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牵引绳带有一个黄色的灯,是一个加分设计。The leash comes with a nice little yellow led light, which is a great added bonus.

过去,PMI对于会员及已获得认证的人员分设有各自的道德标准。In the past, PMI also had separate ethics standards for members and for credentialed individuals.

为期13天的影展分设于该市56家博物馆、大使馆和电影院。This 13-day event is taking place at 56 museums, ambanciesembassies and movie theaters around the city.

学校校本部设在北京,分设保定校区,两地实行一体化管理。NCEPU is composed of two respective campuses in Beijing and in Baoding, with its main campus in Beijing.

对如皋市“医防分设”模式下社区卫生服务体系建设情况进行分析。This paper analyzed construction of CHS system after separation of cure and prevention in the city of Rugao.

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首届通信行业技能大赛分设个人奖、组织奖和特别贡献奖。The first communications industry skills contest set up an individual, organization and special contribution award.

今年“快女”将分设长沙、沈阳、成都、广州、杭州、西安六大唱区。This year's "Fast Girls" will be grouped in Changsha, Shenyang, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Xi'an six singing area.

巴玛教会分设许多的聚会据点,同时也继续不断的支援这些据点。Many worship points branched out from the Pammal church. Pammal church continues to give their assistance to these areas.

Nordisk是一家国际型公司,主要市场在北欧和中欧,机构分设于丹麦、德国和中国。Nordisk is an international company on the markets in North and Center Europe with offices in Denmark, Germany, and China.

金山软件有限公司总部位于北京,并且在珠海,北京,成都,大连四地分设研发中心。With our headquarter in Beijing, we have four research and development centers based in Zhuhai, Beijing, Chengdu, and Dalian.

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分设后,原有的卖方垄断市场一夜间变成买方合同分包市场。The former monopoly sales market of cigarette industrial company after separation became a contractual and subcontracting market.

与大多数公司分设薪资、提名和治理委员会的做法不同,伯克希尔将三个委员会合并成了一个。Unlike most firms with separate committees for compensation and nominating and governance, Berkshire combines the committees into one.

三层分设精品女装区、体育品牌区、国内外知名品牌男装区。地下一层为地下停车场。On the ground floor is the large-scale comprehensive supermarket, two-story area grouped clothing, shoes and hats district, home accessories area.

通过订立班级公约、分设班委会权利等途径,可以实现高职生班级管理的改革。To make a class contract and to divide authority among class committee can realize the re- form of class management in higher vocational colleges.

我们确实有在全国分设仓储基地的计划,未来可考虑在长沙或武汉设立更近的物流基地。We have the plan that sets storage base in countrywide cent really, future can consider establish closer content to spread base in Changsha or Wuhan.

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前项审查委员会及技术委员会,必要时均得于其下分设各专门类别之分组委员会或工作小组委员会。The Review Council and the Technical Committees may, when necessary, set up Sub-Committees or Working Groups based on different categories of specialties.

“医防分设”模式下,社区卫生服务机构建设存在着与现行政策衔接及运行机制不完善等困难。After separation, the difficulties the construction of CHS institutions facing were the imperfect running mechanism and being hard to engage the current policies.

在1929年股市崩盘后,花了近4年时间才建立了一种分设不同类型银行的监管结构和制定国家证券法。It took almost four years after the market crash of 1929 to erect a regulatory structure to separate different types of banks and establish national securities laws.