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妒忌之人无宁日。Envy has being no holidays.

不满足者坐无宁时。A discontented man knows not where to sit easy.

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与其说我们是活在功业里,无宁说是活在希望里。——胡华。Instead of saying we are living in a winner, WuNing live in hope.

但是实际上如我们在神话故事中已看出的,古代智慧无宁说是创造了或凭虚构地描绘了一些神话故事。But in fact it made or rather sketched them such as we have found them in the fables.

居住在无宁庄园内的鬼魂家族告诉了我们故事并提供任务。The ghosts of the family that lived in the Estate tell their story and provide quests.

追求完美躯体、彰显青春活力、对抗衰老成为女性永无宁休的议题。It is became an incessant issue for more female to pursuing perfect body, showing young blood and resisting age.

迈开两步,向北迈进动荡将来,向南则为无宁过往,向东步回眼下此刻,或向西踏入未知境地。Take two steps north into the unsettled future, south into the unquiet past, east into the present day, or west into the great unknown.

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美国从此与伊斯兰教结下了仇,日夜得提心吊胆地提防回恐的袭击。从此天下无宁日矣。Since then the Islamic world and United State of America became enemy, and the latter had been living in daily fears of Islamic terrorist attacks.

这政策对于鸠山政府来说无宁是个格外困难的途径,因为其政权相当仰赖工会的支持。Unfortunately, this kind of policy path is particularly difficult for Mr. Hatoyama's government, which is heavily reliant on labor unions for political support.

世界似近而远,而艺术无宁是最能展露自信与尊严的国际语言,我们相信我们的专业涵养与抉择,恰如收藏家朋友对我们的信任与艺术家对我们的认同与支持。Art is a common language that can be used to show one's confidence and special quality. We have faith in our professionalism and choices, and so do art collectors and artist.