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我们现在站在商业变革之路上前所未有的十字路口处。We are not yet at such a crossroads.

这个成长率是前所未有的。The rate of growth was unprecedented.

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这条法律似乎是前所未有的。This law appears to be unprecedented.

这也许是象棋史上前所未有的一步棋Perhaps no chess game before had had this move.

能提供前所未有的学习资源。are providing unprecedented learning resources.

地球的命运…正面著前所未有的挑战!Earth, its fate is facing an ultimata challenge!

山田幸助遭到了前所未有的压力。Yamada Yukisuke is under unprecedented pressure.

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有一天,你会荡起秋千,越来越高,前所未有。And when that day comes, love, you will remember me.

当Dauren走进俱乐部时,他感觉到了前所未有的自在。When Dauren entered the club he felt he was at home.

是美女如云的,是前所未有的,是激情四射的。Is beautiful clouds, Is unprecedented, Is passionate.

但任何人都可以从现在开始,创造前所未有的伟大的结局。Anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending.

文明古国迸发出前所未有的青春活力。The ancient Chinese civilization has been revitalized.

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就连健存画家的作品也创下了前所未有的高价。Even living artists are selling for unprecedented sums.

他所有的书都在加印,以前所未有的速度热卖。His books are all in print and selling as never before.

在这层意义上,我们已经前所未有地把该病毒逼到了绝境。In this sense, we have the virus cornered as never before.

农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。A prosperity never seen before appeared in the countryside.

晚上十点时,我们见到的马修是前所未有的痛苦。At 10 p.m., Matthew is as miserable as we've ever seen him.

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欧洲人的世界观前所未有地拓宽了。The weltanschauung of European man was ever broadening out.

不过,我们取得了真正的、前所未有的进展。But we have made real and unprecedented progress, " he said.

房屋价格在2001年以前所未有的速度上升。Home prices began climbing at an unprecedented rate in 2001.