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一名游客总是呆在巴士里。A tourist stays on the bus.

三等舱就是一般游客用的舱座。A rd class is a tourist class.

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游客专挑容易的路走。A tourist takes the easy road.

向文明游客致敬!Salute to Civilized Tourists !

外滩对游客来说是必游之地,怎么说?The Bund is a must to visitors.

游客常去那个地方。Tourists frequent the district.

Woolsey还建议游客Woolsey also suggests travelers

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她为游客当翻译。She translated for the tourists.

游客可以选择乘汽车或者火车Travellers can go by car or train

王先生是一位满怀激情的游客。Wang was an enthusiastic tourist.

几乎所有的游客都是外国人。Almost all of them are foreigners.

这里也有很多游客。And also there's lots of tourists.

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这座城市游客云集。The city is swarmed with tourists.

鱼与游客都闻了三天。Fish and visitors smell three days.

他让游客们临时住了一晚。He lodged the tourists for a night.

这里的游客很多吗?Are there many tourists around here?

一阵大雨把游客都淋得湿透了。A heavy rain drenched the travellers.

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下面的游客发出不和谐的嗡嗡声。The discordant hum of tourists below.

游客区已用绳子圈起来了。The visitors' area has been roped in.

五塔山前的二位游客。Two tourists in front of Cinque Torre.