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中继站是用来扩展系统的覆盖范围。Repeater is used for expanding system coverage.

而火山灰数量稍少的地区,电力站与通讯中继站可能会遭到破坏。Less ash than that would knock out electrical power and relay stations.

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这些纺锤波出现在丘脑,大脑的意识中继站中。The spindles arise in the brain's sensory relay centre in the thalamus.

主要为联系高位脑和呼吸肌的中继站。Mainly and breathes the myo- relay station for the relation top digit brain.

该谅解备忘录涵盖了中继站的设计,制造和测试的合作。The MoU covers cooperation in designing, manufacturing and testing of a relay station.

对于无线频点资源有限和需要中继站的负控系统有一定的现实意义。The experience is useful for system short of frequency channel and needs relay station.

移动电话中继站受损严重,导致手机无法正常通信。Mobile phone relays stations were severely damaged, making it difficult to make cell phone calls.

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MV-1500设计提供战场上的一个可靠的通信终端或中继站。The MV-1500 is designed to provide a reliable communication terminal or relay station in the battlefield.

超短波水情自动测报系统的中继站是整个系统网络最关键,也是最薄弱的环节。Relay station in ultra short wave water level auto survey and report system is the key of the whole system.

该系统以平流层平台和地球同步卫星为量子中继站,分发纠缠光子对。It is using stratospheric platform and geosynchronous satellite as quantum repeater to deliver entangled photon pairs.

多跳连接无线通信系统及源站,中继站,目的站和控制信号。Multi-jump connection radio communication system and source station, relay station, destination station and control signal.

这是奥运历史上最激动人心的时刻之一,许多人说莱扎克的游泳是有史以来最伟大的中继站。It was one of the most exciting moments in Olympic history, and many people say Lezak's swim was the greatest relay leg ever.

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MVZ可能作为“免疫-脑通讯”的一个中继站,通过“MVZ→PVN”通路起免疫调节作用。MVZ might be a relay station in "immune-to-brain communication", which exerts immune modulatory impact through "MVZ→PVN" access.

迷信家们已树立了两种中继站,一种在地球上,而另一种是放在地球四周太空中的卫星上。Scientists have set up two kinds of relay stations. One kind is on the earth, the other is a satellite placed in space around the earth.

丘脑位于脑干和大脑半球之间,它起着连接或是中继站的作用。The thalamus lies between the brainstem and the hemispheres of the brain, performing a function rather like a junction or relay station.

2016年发射的卫星将可能作为表面探测器的数据中继站,将所得到的图片和其他信息反馈给科学家。The 2016 satellite would probably act as the surface vehicle's data-relay station to get its pictures and other information back to scientists.

卫星中继站通常从地球的一个地区接收无线电波,然后再把它们传送到另一个地区去。Generally, Satellite relay stations receive electromagnetic waves from one part of the Earth and then transmit them to another part of the Earth.

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悬泉置被认为是丝绸之路上的一个中继站,在公元前202-公元220年中国汉朝统治期间开始声名鹊起。Xuanquanzhi is thought to have been a relay station on the Silk Road which came to prominence during the Han Dynasty in China which ruled between 202BC-220AD.

但在Grex的系统内,水下机器人将充当一个中继站,将来自母船的控制信号传给连网的其他机器人,这种方式下的传输距离可达到数英里。But in the Grex system, vehicles will be able to act as relay stations, bouncing a control signal from the mother ship to the networked submarines over many miles.

特别适合用于海洋救生、石油管道勘测、示位标、无人中继站、应急电源等军事民事领域。Specializing in sea lifesaving, petroleum vitta reconnaissance, locating sign, self-service relay station, emergency electrical source, etc, civil and military affairs.