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供过于求。The supply exceeds the demand.

但是天然气供过于求怎么办?But what of our natural gas glut?

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市场上质量好的旧汽车供过于求。The market is saturated with gooda used cars.

茶园过度扩张,使得市场上逐渐供过于求。Overexpansion of tea fields has led to oversupply.

航运量的供过于求已经造成了利率下滑。The glut of shipping capacity has forced down rates.

而且我对“供过于求”这个概念感觉实在是太烦了。And I am so tired of the concept of “inventory glut.”

许多旅店纷纷降价,预示着或许房屋供过于求。Price-cutting at many hotels suggests there may be a glut of rooms.

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去年供过于求亏损之后,养猪户缩小了养殖规模。Pig farmers cut back on production after losing money during last year's glut.

随着如今美国原油供过于求,国会投票决定解除原油出口禁令。S. now awash in crude, Congress voted to reverse its peak-in-the-price ban on oil exports.

从电信到保险,中国供过于求的服务现状应当被打破。From telecoms to insurance, China is full of service oligopolies that need to be broken up.

伊朗石油部长诺扎利说,目前石油供过于求。The Iranian Oil Minister Gholam-Hussein Nozari said more than enough oil is being supplied.

按照生意场上的常规,供过于求时就应该减少生产。Business in accordance with market practice, when an over-supply of production should be reduced.

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2006年房价开始下跌,市场上房屋供过于求,房屋日积月累销不出去。In 2006 home prices started to drop. Houses glutted the market and stayed unsold month after month.

即便经济很快好转,酒店客房仍可能处于“供过于求”的状态。And even if the economy strengthens quickly, there may still be too many hotel rooms relative to demand.

库辛石油的供过于求拉下了西德州中质油的价格,导致其与其他种类石油价格的背离。The glut of oil in Cushing has dragged down the price of WTI, causing it to diverge from other oil prices.

更糟的是,在金融危机期间,极端的投资增长进一步加剧了供过于求的问题。Worse, the extreme growth of investment during the financial crisis has added to the problem of oversupply.

但就目前而言,中国的钢铁市场仍供过于求,过剩供货量之大甚至相当于德国一年的钢铁产量。But at present, China's steel market is in surplus, so much so that it equals all of Germany's annual output.

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如今的高价不可避免的结果会令供过于求,而未来将会跌价。The inevitable result was today's higher prices, which will probably lead to glut and falling prices tomorrow.

由于明显的供过于求的房地产市场,暂停房地产开发,土地使用审批。For obvious over-supply of the real estate market, the suspension of real estate development , land use approval.

虽则在当今神州,低技能的工人仍然短缺,但大学生却供过于求。Though there is a labor shortage among low-skill workers in China today, there is a glut of the college educated.