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那是我迸发灵感之时。That is my inspired time.

火焰跳跃着迸发出火星。The flames leaped and sparkled.

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如果经常迸发出这种火焰。If often leaps out of the flames.

热烈的掌声,有如春雷迸发。Applause broke out like spring thunder.

它是激情迸发的即兴创作。It was the improvisation of the ebullition.

阿基米德在泡澡时灵感迸发。Archimedes had his eureka moment in the bath.

来到户外,他们如醉如痴的狂喜迸发成语言。In the open air their rapture broke into speech.

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诗歌“是一种从我内心深处迸发的东西。Poetry is that which just sort of spills out of me.

文明古国迸发出前所未有的青春活力。The ancient Chinese civilization has been revitalized.

你是否经历过天赋和灵感迸发的时刻?Have you experienced moments of genius and inspiration?

格言是由哲学家的机智中迸发而出的。Mottoes are blurted out from the wisdom of philosphers.

这个过程迸发了许多不可思议的想象力和灵感。So many imaginations and inspirations are born from it.

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格言是由哲学家的机智中迸发而出的.Mottoes are blurted out from the wisdom of philosophers.

他们都认为是一种瞬间迸发的激情把他们联在一起。They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them.

你的大脑能在烹饪时迸发出新鲜的想法与计划。You can feel new ideas and plans cooking up in your head.

列过往火车迸发出的一些火花点着了干草堆。Some sparks from a passing train set the haystack on fire.

迸发了活力和力量的拳击手正进入拳击场。A pugilist flushed with life and strength is entering the ring.

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你希望他们迸发传递的念头去和别人分享你的网站。You want them to pull the pass-it-on trigger and share your site.

一九一四年欧战的迸发震惊了美国大众。The outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 shocked the American public.

是他的脸点燃了我迸发的迷恋之情。It is his face that inspires in me paroxysms of infatuated devotion.