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它有指针数据了。It has a pointee.

学习指针?Learn about pointers?

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钟有两个指针。A clock has two hands.

钟有三个指针。A clock has three hands.

钟有三个指针。The clock has three hands.

指针一直在摆动。The pointer is still oscillating.

在钟里会有三根指针。There are three hands in a clock.

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指针是C语言的核心。Pointer is the core of C-language.

那么,你怎样分配一个指针数据?So, how do you allocate a pointee?

好的,首先我需要一个指针。All right so I want first a pointer.

第二个指针与事件有关。The second pointer relates to events.

我知道,指针数据是分开的。I knew that. The pointees are separate.

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是的,一个指向这块内存的指针。Yeah, a pointer to this chunk of memory.

首先,为使用矢量图的指针编写代码。First, code a needle using vector drawing.

指向被映射函数入口点的指针Pointer to the mapped function entry point

最初指针不会指向任何东西。Initially pointers don't point to anything.

那是金的,并且有装饰得很美丽的指针。It was gold, and had pretty ornamented hands.

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减缓几乎每一个指针的分配。It slows down nearly every pointer assignment.

发动机开动时指针就颤动。The needle pulsates when the engine is running.

在空速表上可以调整的指针。An adjustable pointer on the airspeed indicator.