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“五四”是青年节。May 4 is Youth Day.

你在青年节做了什么事?What did you do on Youth Day?

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䧥玛丽在青年节做了什么事?What did Mary do on Youth Day?

青年节玛丽做了什么事情?What did Marry do on Youth Day?

五月四日是中国的青年节.May the fourth is China’s Youth Day.

祝大家“五四”青年节快乐!Wish you a happy May Fourth Youth Day.

他在澳大利亚参加世界青年节庆典。He's in Australia for World Youth Day celebrations.

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因为这个节日还被称为是青年节,所以你明白了。Because it's also known now as Youth Day. So you see.

假若有一个五天的国际青年节,你会否参加?If there is a Five-day Internation Youth Festival, are you interested to join?

中国青年节是纪念1919年发生的五四运动的日子。The Chinese Youth Day commemorates the May 4th Movement thar happened in 1919.

我国的“五四”青年节来源于中国一九一九年反帝爱国的“五四运动”。China's "54" Anti-Imperialist Patriotic Youth from China in 1919's "54 movement.

教宗预计会在8月18日抵达马德里停留四天,作为他为期六天世界青年节活动的终点。The Pope is set to arrive in Madrid on August 18 for the final four days of the six-day World Youth Day event.

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一九四九年十二月,中央人民政府政务院正式宣布五月四日为中国青年节。December 1949, the Central People's Government Administration Council formally announced on May 4 Youth Day of China.

该报告发表恰逢国际青年节之际,它同时警告全球青年失业人数已达到历史最高水平。The report, published to coincide with International Youth Day, also warns global youth unemployment has reached a record high.

今天,这个日子被视为国家青年节——一个南非人尊重年轻人,关注他们需要的日子。Today, it is known as National Youth Day — a day on which South Africans honour young people and bring attention to their needs.

天主,我们的创造者,众生之源,一切赞颂与钦崇都归于你。我们感谢你透过这第四届亚洲青年节,将亚洲的青年聚集一起。God our Creator, Source of all life, praise and adoration be to You. We thank you for gathering us together, Youth of Asia, in this Fourth Asian Youth Day.

再过几分钟就要迎接新的一年了,在此祝愿所有学生新年快乐,学业进步。同时也祝愿我的华乐团能够竭尽所能,在这次的青年节比赛中赢得银牌。Also, despite me not being able to support my orchestra during the SYF Central Judging this year, I do hope they will try their best to aim for a silver award or better.

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“五四”至今已有二十年,今年才在全国定为青年节,这件事含着一个重要的意义。Twenty years have elapsed since the May 4th Movement, yet it is only this year that the day has been designated as the national Youth Day, and this is a most significant fact.

在“五四”青年节即将到来之际,外交部举办大学生专场公众开放日,我谨代表外交部,对大家的到来表示热烈欢迎!As the May Fourth Youth Day approaches, the Foreign Ministry is holding this open day exclusive for university students. Let me give you a warm welcome on behalf of the ministry.

最有嫌疑的是高尚,一个天才得分后卫,他在今年年初参加澳大利亚奥林匹克青年节的比赛中申报年龄是1992年出生。The most problematical situation concerns Gao Shang, a highly talented shooting guard. Gao was listed as born in 1992 when he played in the Australian Olympic Youth Festival earlier this year.