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测验分数?。Test scores?

所以,所有的分数都会记入在内。So, all scores count.

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我们等着测验分数。We await our test scores.

我们等著测验分数。We await our test scores.

你的分数总计为508分。Your marks sum up to 508.

他的英语分数评得高。His English is marked high.

所以你必须添加额外的分数。Have to add some extra points.

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下面我们来说分数The evaluation goes like this.

是某个分数段的。Is a fraction of the paragraph.

不要再给我打分数!Don't put a grade on me anymore!

他为自己糟糕的分数而不安。He is fluttered by his bad marks.

这是yB,气相摩尔分数。Here's yB. The gas mole fraction.

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关于分数我应该说明一下。I should say something about grades.

可以考到135-145之间的这个分数。Can check this score between 135-145.

这演示了分数部分的作用。This shows the score section at work.

两人分数均为16.725,但何最终被选为冠军。Both scored 16.725, but He got the nod.

是教授打出的分数。The marks that the professor doles out.

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他们的测试成绩远远高于平均分数。They test well above the grade average.

你先学习分数,然后,学习小数。You do fractions, then you do decimals.

高分数者可以获得各种奖赏。A high score can lead to various awards.