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她的头和背感到火烧火燎的。Her head and back felt on fire.

他的舌头被辛辣食品辣得火烧火燎的。His tongue was stung by hot food.

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孩子有病。妈妈急得火烧火燎的。The mother was filled with anxiety about her child's illness.

火烧火燎中,他抓了了一卷彩票逃之夭夭。While in flames, he grabbed a roll of lottery tickets and fled.

卡米已经精疲力竭,半个身体上还糊着泥巴,能感到自己尾巴上的毛火烧火燎。Kami, exhausted and still half caked with mud, could feel it singeing the fur on his tail.

我的大腿肌肉和臀大肌开始火烧火燎的疼,但是仅过了三英里,我的热情就燃了起来。My thighs and glutes strained and started to burn, but for three miles, my enthusiasm grew.

可是看着父亲已经是火烧火燎的份上,这样的小错就不与他斤斤计较了。But my father is feeling terribly hot sake, such a mistake would not and he square accounts in every detail.

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按照在这种情况下流行的奇怪的矛盾法则,时间是漫长的,虽然它火烧火燎地飞逝着。And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains inall such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast.

按照在这种情况下流行的希奇的矛盾法则,时间是漫长的,固然它火烧火燎地飞逝着。And yet, observing the strange law of contradiction which obtains in all such cases, the time was long, while it flamed by so fast.

他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立刻火烧火燎地象是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。As he spoke, he laid his long forefinger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's *, as if it had been red-hot.

这下厉害了!不久眼睛开始迷糊,手开始颤抖,脚开始痉挛,心肝啊肺啊开始火烧火燎,头开始神志不清。Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched, the feet twitched, the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered.

他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立即火烧火燎地象是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。As he spoke, he laid his long forefinger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast, as if it had been red-hot.

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他一边说着,一边把长长的食指放到那红字上,那字立刻火烧火燎地像是烙进了海丝特的胸膛。As he spoke, he laid his long fore-finger on the scarlet letter, which forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast , as if it ad been red hot.

今天我哥哥作弄我,在我的隐形眼镜清洗液里放了点醋。我几个小时前就把眼镜摘了,可是现在眼睛还火烧火燎的痛。FML。Today, my brother thought it would be hilarious to put vinegar in my contact solution. I took my contacts out hours ago and my eyes still burn. FML.

曹操之父急得火烧火燎,风琴出示的照片上,那具倒卧的男尸就穿着黑上衣和牛仔裤。The father of Cao Cao The fire fire singes anxious, to produce pictures of the organ, that a man lying unconscious on the wearing of black T-shirt and jeans.