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为什么要自寻烦恼?Why bother, then?

不要自寻烦恼。Don't meet trouble half-way.

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我承认,我就是一个自寻烦恼的人,我这辈子都是这样。I admit it. I’m a worrywart.

我真是太自苦了,太自寻烦恼了!I'm being too hard on myself!

告诉他不必自寻烦恼。Tell him not to agitate himself.

我可不想自寻烦恼。I don't want to get into trouble.

我真是太自苦了,太自寻烦恼了!I'm overcare and ask for trouble!

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所以我才经常自寻烦恼。That's why I'm always in trouble alone.

多数创业都失败了,我还要自寻烦恼干吗?Most businesses fail, why should I bother?

我知道她会剪的,所以我就不必自寻烦恼了。I know she’s going to do it and so I don’t bother.

别自寻烦恼,一切都会变好的。Don't be a worrywart. Everything's going to be fine.

所以,我可能不会自寻烦恼地为了帮助他们而伤害他们。Accordingly, we may not bother to help them by hurting them.

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有了点血汗钱就游手好闲,那是自寻烦恼。Fooling around with hard-earned savings is asking for trouble.

我将听从父亲的劝告,再也不自寻烦恼了。I will follow his father's advice, no longer asking for trouble.

我们常常过多地自寻烦恼,杞人忧天。We too often borrow trouble, and anticipate that may never appear.

我不知道,是我自寻烦恼呢,还是上面的说法让人不安?Is it just me, or is that conception a little, I don’t know, disturbing?

为什么要自寻烦恼,进行一个只有基尔加丹才是挑战的赛跑?Why bother race to the finish line when it's only Kil'jaeden that matters?

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有时候啊,一厢情愿或者自作多情都是在自寻烦恼。Sometimes, wishful thinking or self-assertion is in bring trouble on oneself.

无论是抗拒变化还是试图控制我们无能为力的东西都是自寻烦恼。Resisting change or trying to control the change out of life is self-defeating.

最终你将因为大量的bleeding-edge程序而自寻烦恼。You'll end up making a bloody mess of yourself with most bleeding-edge programs.