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她顶着他就像猫在窥伺老鼠。She watches him as a cat would watch a mouse.

到目前为止,好像还没有疑心到有人窥伺。There's no suspicion of being shadowed so far.

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窥伺俯望,拨开视界的眼睑。For prying beneath and forcing the lids of sight.

是的,我在那里吃的时候,老是觉得有很多鬼在窥伺我。Yes, I feel many ghosts are peeping at me whenever I eat there.

小牛羚出生在一个充满敌意的世界,到处都是终日窥伺着的掠食者。The young are born into a hostile world of ever-watchful predators.

没想到有更多异化虫增援部队抵达,并击杀了一台试图窥伺的收割者。More zergling reinforcements arrive and kill a reaper attempting to scout.

瓦伦西亚已经放弃了对阿森纳的中场罗伯托皮雷的窥伺。Valencia have given up any hope of signing Arsenal midfielder Robert Pires.

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英国派了赫德森·洛往监视他,法国也派了蒙什尼往窥伺他。England had him guarded by Hudson Lowe, and France had him watched by Montchenu.

而此刻,那刚听完故事的小女儿鬼鬼地在窥伺着什么?And now, it just after hearing stories of little daughter ghost in the watch for?

海盗船可能在任何溪流里窥伺,出逃的奴隶则在那些废墟中潜伏。A pirate boat may lurk up any stream, and escaped slaves oft hide amongst the ruins.

正在科索沃,好国窥伺兵经过进程他们特制的通信工具赣弈没有错。In Kosovo, the American scouts did a good job through their special munication tools.

冉阿让可以隐在阴暗的一边,顺着房屋和墙壁朝前走,同时窥伺着明亮的一面。Jean Valjean could glide along close to the houses on the dark side, and yet keep watch on the light side.

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他窥伺谈话一中断,就露出扫兴的神态,从房里出来,寻找索尼娅去了。He waited for the first break in the conversation, and, with a face of distress, walked out of the room to look for Sonya.

皮埃尔本想说句什么话,子爵的话使他觉得有趣,但是窥伺他的安娜·帕夫洛夫娜把话打断了。Pierre wanted to say something—the conversation interested him —but Anna Pavlovna, who was keeping her eye on him, interposed.

现在这里已布满废墟,还要经常受到狙击手的窥伺和坦克炮弹乃至集束炸弹等各色火力的打击。Watched by snipers and struck by allmanner of incoming fire, from tank rounds to cluster bombs, it is anextended boulevard of ruins.

祭司和拉比们正在等候时机,要置他于死地。许多奸细寸步不离地在窥伺他,到处都是谋害他的阴谋。Priests and rabbis were watching to compass His death, spies hung upon His steps, and on every hand plots for His ruin were multiplying.

这种办法欠好,原因是简单让对手一开始就窥伺到你的牌姿,由于你在收拾摆放过程中,现已透露出某种信息。Owe good this way, the reason is simple to rival the start watching to your appearance, because you put in packing process, has revealed some information.

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但如果德国人在奥斯坦德吃着淡菜炸薯条,也就是薯条配淡菜,和法国人一同窥伺英伦,这是难以想象的But if you've got the Germans in Ostende eating moules frites, eating mussels with French fries, and you've already got the french there, this is unthinkable.

现代社会是前所未有的开放社会,但在它的每一个角落,也都隐藏着一些对人们个人信息不怀好意的窥伺者。Modern society is unprecedented open society, but each corner in it, also under cover the be on watch for with cankered information of individual of a few pairs of people person.

带著一份夹杂著好奇、期待、兴奋、刺激的心情,得以假评审之名行窥伺当代不同的住居空间之实。With curiosity, anticipation and excitement, I was luckily honored to be a juror and won the right to be a "peeping Tom" to peep at many of today's contemporary residential spaces.