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他随时都会反戈一击。He would turn around and strike at any moment.

终于,维德再也看不下去了,向主人反戈一击。Unable to watch anymore, Vader turned against his master.

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而塔利班撕破交易反戈一击才是更大的威胁。The greater danger is that the Taliban deal-making could backfire.

他希望在周末的德比中面对旧主完成反戈一击。He hoped that completes in weekend's Derby facing the old host is a traitor.

他在战斗中有过无数次反戈一击的机会,但他从没这么做过。He's had numerous opportunities to turn on us in battle and has never done so.

杰克逊则反戈一击,表示科克是嫉妒自己的人气。Sidestepping the accusation, Jackson claimed Cocker was just jealous of his popularity.

今年4月,苹果反戈一击,针对谷歌的核心业务推出了iAd,一款移动广告平台。In April, Apple in turn went straight for Google’s financial core, launching iAd, a mobile-advertising platform.

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塞尔维亚人把他的注意力转移到星期日的对手,而旧将阿德里安-穆图将会上演反戈一击。The Serbian then turned his attention to Sunday's opponents, who will field Adrian Mutu against his former coach.

经常会发生这样的情况,你看着觉得这一分他已经彻底没戏了,突然他就反戈一击,一个致胜球让你目瞪口呆。It is not rare to see Federer be completely out of the point, then suddenly turn the tables at whim and hit a winner.

前日多头主力金融股反戈一击,成为最大做空力量,近期活跃的热点也开始大幅降温。The day before long the main financial stocks turned into the largest force in short, the recent active hot spots began to cool significantly.

在荷兰队反戈一击之前,守门员马滕•斯特克伦博格及时地完美一跃使得卡卡挂向球门右角的射门无功而返。Before the Dutch comeback, goalkeeper Maarten Stekelenburg timed his leap perfectly to deflect a shot by Kaka that was headed into the right corner of the net.

这在很大程度上得益于菲利普.金格里奇的鲸化石档案,为达尔文的进化提供了有利证据,而非反戈一击。Thanks in large part to Philip Gingerich, the fossil record of whales now offers one of the most stunning demonstrations of Darwinian evolution rather than a refutation of it.

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而在此后的讨论中,他突然反戈一击,运用了当今最流行的“中国扩大内需论”来支持房地产的价格上涨是理所应当的。In the subsequent discussion, he suddenly turned around and struck, the most popular use of the "China to expand domestic demand theory" to support real estate prices is as it should be.