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我们必须立即行动起来”。We must act now.

我立即认出了他。I knew him at once.

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然后立即返回。I return immediately.

这是一个立即放松的。It is an instant relaxer.

疯魔现在立即生效。Madness is now immediate.

他们立即如火熄。They'd immediately go out.

独木舟立即物归原主。To carry or send by canoe.

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她没有立即作答。She didn't awer immediately.

没有立即养成的习惯。There are no instant habits.

我们应立即干起来。We must get to work at once.

对赠礼立即表示感谢。Acknowledge the gift at once.

第1095号航班立即要着陆了。Flight 1095 is earthing soon.

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父亲立即整理行装。My father packed immediately.

可立即饮用或是窖藏4-6年。Enjoy now or cellar 4-6 years.

我立即开始哭泣,哭得满脸泪花。I began to cry almost at once.

肖先生没有立即回答。Shaw made no immediate answer.

立即听到一种奇异的怪声。And straight a sound was heard.

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她立即认出他来。She recognized him immediately.

你一听到就请立即拍电报给我。Please wire as soon as you hear.

一把带着消音器的枪立即开火了。A gun with a silencer fires once.