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所有的弓下来到有翼的阳物像!All bow down to the winged phallus!

物体在视网膜上形成的物像是倒立的吗?Is the reflection of objects projected on the retina upsidedown?

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雨血2中部分新登场的人物像素形象,头像与简介。The pixel art, portrait and brief intro of some new characters in Rainblood2.

你可以把背景完全过滤成白色,但是人物像却依然可以清晰可见。You'll blow out the background to complete white, but your subject will be visible.

过了一会儿,我觉得我看到了那可怕的怪物像只幽灵一样无声无息地滑了进来。“噢,救我!For a moment I thought I saw the dreaded monster glide into the room like a ghost. 'oh, Save me!

没有什么激励物像表扬一样,能够磨练才智,激励意志去学习。There is no such whetstone, to sharpen a good wit and encourage a will to learning, as is praise.

通过对偶像崇拜的研究,学者们发现,对物像的依赖几乎是每个人天生的习性。Through the research on the idolatry , it is found that it is natural habits to lean on the image.

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电影魅力在于物像的仿真性与叙事的虚构性之间所形成的张力场。The charm of movies lies in the expanding field formed by the mirroring authenticity and narrative fiction.

施耐德说,对重点人物像切克作出了重要的屏幕和杜瓦尔退伍军人铸造。Schneider says the emphasis on character made the casting of screen veterans like Spacek and Duvall essential.

远景摄影测量物体位移时,需要标定物像之间的比例关系。In displacement measurements by far-field photography, the scale between object and image has to be calibrated.

有几分友好和伟大,他也是在美国学校的教室里也是常见到的人物像。And a kind of, well, kindly and monumental, and yet approachable figure that is familiar from American school rooms.

最常见的显微镜是光学显微镜,它使用放大镜片形成物像。The most familiar type of microscope is the optical, or light, microscope, in which lenses are used to form the image.

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这种物像可用各种方法形成,可直接造像、电子处理,或结合这两种方法。Formed by various means, the image is received by direct imaging, electronic processing, or a combination of these methods.

并且,衍生出自然界不能培育的植物贝背像珠和几种植物像形珍珠几个连结成的植物多连。Besides, multi-series of plant figure pearls and plant shell pearls are provided, which can not be obtained by natural breeding.

多那太罗意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象收藏。Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.

和大部分物像识别系统一样,他们的系统也是经过“标记物数字图形”“训练”之后,学会辨别新的物体的。Like most object-recognition systems, their system learns to recognize new objects by being “trained” with digital images of labeled objects.

通过对变倍系统实现途径的探讨,采用了物像交换原则移动中继透镜组方案。This paper introduces the basic optical system of the Riflescope, and present the variable magnification principle of telescopic sighting system.

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年轻人可以模仿肥皂剧里的人物,这些人物像大学生观众一样,在寻找快乐的爱情,也许还没找到。Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it.

根据光学透镜成像原理,推导近端和远端物像与相机焦距、视角和物距的关系式及其像比,借此控制相机视图中远近两端物像的形状反差。The relationships between images of near and far objects with camera lens and field of view and object distance and the image ratio are researched.

在维纳斯爱的女神的眷顾下,天秤座女人降临到世上,天秤座的女人喜欢任何美丽的事物像奢侈的房子、位置、事物和优质的生活。Born under the sign of Venus, the goddess of beauty, Libra women are lovers of anything beautiful like luxurious houses, places, things and upscale living.