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黑龙洞是一平卧式洞穴。Black Dragon Cave is a flat cave.

龙洞是一个可免费领养龙蛋的网站。Dragon Cave is a free adoptables site.

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而且我也不要去龙洞攀岩。And I'm not climbing at Longdong, either.

你知道龙洞街的桌球室吗?去过吗?。Do you know billiard saloons in the Longdong Street?

龙洞的形成,要经历上千年的时间。It takes thousands of years to form a stalactite cave.

神龙帕夫悲伤地游回龙洞。So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave.

我喜欢双龙洞,因为在夏天的时候很凉爽。I like the Shuanglong Hole because it is very cool in summer.

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邻近金龙洞前的一带山脉,自古以来蕴藏着大量的黄金矿。Longdong near the area before the mountains, a large number of ancient deposits of gold ore.

自然景观有水鸣天梯、击掌鹤鸣、滚龙洞、一线天等。Natural landscape of water-ming ladder, clap Heming, roll Cave, thin strip of sky and so on.

龙洞庵背依高山,坐北面南,掩映于苍松翠柏之中。The Longdong Nunnery hidden in pines and cypresses, backs on to the mountain and faces south.

管理单位表示,龙洞攀岩场相当适合推广给全世界知道。The managing authorities said that Longdong is worthy of being promoted throughout the world.

龙洞攀岩场因攀岩路线多元,适合各种程度的攀岩者攀岩,也因此广为人知。Suitable for climbers of all levels, the climbing area is well known for its variety of routes.

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从而为峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源的再利用提供了有效的解决方法。Therefore the solutions are given to the reuse of humanistic resources in Bailongdong Scenic Aea.

在实践方面,论文以茂县龙洞沟为例,进行具体分析。In the aspect of practice, a particular analysis on Longdong Gou watershed in Mao County is given.

依据龙洞河地表水质监测数据,客观分析了龙洞河水质污染现状、主要污染物。Based on surface water quality data, this paper objectively analyzed the pollution status of Longdong River.

今天下午从龙洞上完课回家的路上,我去见一位多年没有见面的老师。On my way home after I finished my classes in LongDong this afternoon, i dropped on one of my former teachers.

一只玳瑁八月二十三日于新北市龙洞湾海底,努力挣脱困住牠的渔网。A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City's Longdong Bay on Aug. 23.

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从场所理论的角度研究了峨眉山白龙洞景区人文资源再利用的问题。Based on the place theory, the paper investigates the reuse of humanistic resources in Bailongdong Scenic Aea of Emei Mountain.

四月二十二日,攀岩者在新北市龙洞攀岩场的一个攀岩路线底部准备攀岩。Rock climbers prepare themselves at the bottom of a climbing route at Longdong Rock Climbing Yard in New Taipei City on April 22.

据了解,从元宵节过后,贵阳龙洞堡机场进出港客流量相对平稳。It is understood that from after the Lantern Festival, Guiyang Longdongbao Airport inbound and outbound traffic is relatively stable.