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这收音机杂音很多。There is much noise in this radio.

主要理由是反馈杂音的存在。And the reason for that is feedback.

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为什么我的车在跑的时侯有很多杂音?。Why does my car make a lot of noise?

直接点亮,无闪烁,无杂音。Direct light on, no flicker and noise.

邀请过载和程序杂音。Invite overload and application noise.

杂音当然在某些方面是积极的。Noise is definitely a positive in some ways.

心脏杂音非本病特异体征,约半数患者无明显杂音。About a half of the patients had no heart murmurs.

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他们的心脏都有杂音,七位患者血中白血球上升。All had cardiac murmur and seven had leukocytosis.

有震颤的部位可很容易听到血管杂音。The site is aflutter can be easily hear vascular murmurs.

我们的冷气机从昨天起就一直发出杂音。Our air-conditioner has been making a noise since yesterday.

这个环带充满交流,但没有不协调的杂音。The ring was full of communication, but no discordant noise.

它能更好的隔绝外界杂音,佩戴虽不及840却依然舒适。It's still quite comfortable, but not as much as the SRH-840.

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早期舒张性杂音早期杂音紧随S2发生。Early diastolic murmurs. Early murmurs begin immediately after S2.

模拟录音器普遍存在的背景杂音。High frequency noise present on analogue magnetic tape recordings.

必须触诊颈动脉搏动情况,和听诊颈动脉是否有血管杂音。The carotid arteries should be palpated and auscultated for bruits.

吉他声听起来非常小,在有些场子的音响系统中会有杂音。The guitar sounded so small, and on some sound systems, not so great.

最近所有的杂音是奥巴马政府“对企业持敌视态度”。All the buzz lately is that the Obama administration is “antibusiness.

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今时今日,简化和忽略杂音是很困难的。Minimalizing and ignoring the noise is extremely difficult these days.

宝贝鱼应用软件将会把杂音连接成和谐的音调。And Babel Fish applications will connect this cacophony into coherence.

典型体征为心尖区闻及喀喇音和收缩期杂音。The typical sign was audible click and systolic murmur in cardiac apex.