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那律师说,「怕他的同党寻仇吗?」Asked the lawyer, "Afraid of retaliation from his cronies?"

他们和他们的同党正在城里四处监视本国国民。They and their colleagues were all over the city, spying on their countrymen.

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他的同党对手、纽约州参议员希拉里.克林顿发出了类似的信息。His Democratic rival, New York Senator Hillary Clinton, had a similar message.

这个政府充斥了彼得的心腹和同党,吃吃喝喝,不务正业,诸如此类的事宜It has personnel who are his buddies, those in favour, lots of eating, drinking, et cetera.

总之,我和我的同党一早就到场了,并且整整一天都在被别的鱼推来搡去。Anyway, me and my pals turned up in the morning, and spent the whole day being jostled by other fish.

他和他的同党以为能用我的性丑闻将他们在过去四年里的罪过冲刷得一干二净。He and his allies thought they could wash away all their sins over the last four years in my dirty laundry.

如果我能长上一对同党,我但愿如今立即就能飞到奥运会的现场。If I can long on one pair of wings, I hope that we can now immediately flew to the scene of the Olympic Games.

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当时怀雅特。厄普、他的兄弟以及他们的同党道克。豪乐迪和一伙牛仔之间发生了致命的交火。Corral, where Wyatt Earp, his brothers and their friend Doc Holliday had a fatal shootout with a group of cowboys.

当时怀雅特。厄普、他的兄弟以及他们的同党道克。豪乐迪和一伙牛仔之间发生了致命的交火。K. Corral, where Wyatt Earp, his brothers and their friend Doc Holliday had a fatal shootout with a group of cowboys.

正隆要求深入调查怜香是否为温斌的同党,花苹反对但不获接纳。Was demanded a thorough investigation into whether flow incense for WenBin companions, flower apple against but not accepted.

唔,就是那个穿棕色外衣的男人,咱们那位穿方头靴子的红脸朋友。如果他自己不来,他也会打发一个同党来的。Why, the man in the brown coat—our florid friend with the square toes. If he does not come himself, he will send an accomplice.

在与许多走私者同党发生一次争执之后,汉被困在塔图因,屁股后面拖着一大笔债和一大帮追杀他的赏金猎人。After a falling out with many of his fellow smugglers, Solo was left stuck on Tatooine with a hefty debt and hunters on his tail.

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典范的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的同党,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲躲地。Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to springsintosfull flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places.

无疑,奥巴马的人会认为,同党成员应该信任奥巴马,认为无论是什么样的协议,都是奥巴马所能够得到的最好的。Mr. Obama’s people will no doubt argue that their fellow party members should trust him, that whatever deal emerges was the best he could get.

现在河西的总督达乃和示他波斯乃,并你们的同党,就是住河西的亚法萨迦人,你们当远离他们。Now then, Tattenai, governor of Trans- Euphrates , and Shethar-Bozenai and you, their fellow officials of that province, stay away from there.

我们的父亲死在旷野,他不与可拉同党聚集攻击耶和华,是在自己罪中死的,他也没有儿子。Our father died in the desert. He was not among Korah's followers, who banded together against the Lord , but he died for his own sin and left no sons.

一个北京政界人士告诉记者,两周前,调查员就已经给陈发出了通报,他的司机和同党都将受到审问。A Beijing political source told Reuters that two weeks ago investigators notified Chen, his driver and a domestic helper that they were to be questioned.

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他若真是假德帝,定会经常悄悄去一处,或是与外面的同党联络,或是藏有他的秘密。He if is really a disloyal virtuous emperor, settling will routinely quietly go a , or with outside of adjoin with gathering, or hides to have his hidden.

于是,河西总督达乃和示他波斯乃,并他们的同党,因大流士王所发的命令,就急速遵行。Then Tatnai, governor on this side the river, Shetharboznai, and their companions, according to that which Darius the king had sent, so they did speedily.

伊朗革命卫队谴责此次爆炸是“恐怖袭击”,而背后的支持者则是“大魔鬼美国及其同党英国”,并且扬言回击。The Revolutionary Guards condemned the bombing as the work of "terrorists" supported by "the great Satan America and its ally Britain", and promised to respond.