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文学史上的田汉以戏剧家闻名。Tian Han is known as a dramatist in literature history.

李东阳是明代文学史上第一个由明王朝造就的诗人。Li Dong-yang was the first poet produced in Ming Dynasty.

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给曾巩文学史上一个正确的评价。To Zeng Gong's essays on History of a correct evaluation.

第三章对比文学史观。Chapter three contrasts history viewpoint of the literature.

鲁迅在中国文学史上占有重要地位。Luxun has a high place in the history of Chinese literature.

她是美国文学史上著名的隐士。She was one of American literature's most reclusive figures.

孙绰在文学史上的贡献是多方面的。Sun Chuo has made many-fold contributions in literary history.

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现代文学史上的日记体小说具有“对话性”的文体特征。The dairy novel has the style feature of "Dialogue Character".

好象女性诗歌是游离于文学史之外的另类。Quite a few female verses dissociate from the literary history.

围城是中现代文学史上一部作风共同的挖苦小说。Siege in modern literature history is a unique style of satires.

当代文学史研究的总体状况并不令人乐观。The whole status of contemporary literature is not so promising.

但审判的余音却一直回荡在美国文学史中。But echoes of the trial would reverberate in American literature.

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伊夫林-沃是英国现代文学史上一位重要作家。Evelyn Waugh is a major modern writer in British literary history.

马克·吐温是文学史上最伟大的人物之一。Mark Twain is one of the greatest figures in our literary history.

那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature.

杰克·凯鲁亚克是美国文学史上的重要作家。Jack Kerouac is a prominent writer in American literature's history.

所以,研究作家“自述”是文学史研究的一项主要内容。So to study self-narration is amain content of the literary studies.

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我们纵观整个文学史,显然几乎不可能发生。We looked through the literature. It hardly ever happens, obviously.

李长之是现代文学史上著名的批评家。Li Changzhi is a renowned critic in the history of modern literature.

张恨水是中国现代文学史上的奇观。Zhang Henshui is a wonder in the history of Chinese modern literature.