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他说话挺斯文的。He's a soft-spoken person.

第一位是大卫·斯文森The first one is our own David Swensen.

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过来看看你的好朋友斯文尼吧。Come and visit Your good friend Sweeney — !

黎说他最斯文,汤豪笑了。Li said he was the most gentle, Tang Hao smiled.

克里斯托弗骑着斯文,沿着冰形成的尾迹跟随着他们。Kristoff rides Sven as they follow the trail of ice.

斯文的同卵双胞胎哥哥拉斯·本德和弟弟一样油菜得不得了。Sven's identical twin brother is every inch as good.

斯文森64型切割博思格瓦楞纸板。Swenson Model 64 cutting BlueScope corrugated panel.

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那么,你的学校是太斯文可言凝固汽油弹。Well, your school is too refined to speak of napalm.

斯文森的演讲很有趣Swensen--He gave, I thought, a very interesting talk.

迄今为止貌似斯文的争端正在变得尖锐有棱。A hitherto polite dispute is acquiring a sharper edge.

我不敢断定大卫·斯文森是否还能再续辉煌I don't know if David Swensen can continue to do this.

这些步骤使用罗斯文商贸示例数据库。These steps use the Northwind Traders sample database.

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单击“确定”以关闭“罗斯文商贸”启动屏幕。Click OK to close the Northwind Traders startup screen.

她斯斯文文地坐在那里,一句话也不说。She is sitting there so civilized, without saying a word.

就象他,斯文,暖心,还有她最爱的不言的默契。As he, Sven, warm heart, and her most loving words do not.

帕吉特,26岁,长得很结实,很斯文,很自信的样子。At 26, Pedrito was strong, with a quietly confident manner.

我们生产安全的食品用品”斯文森说。We are manufacturing what supplies the safety," Swenson said.

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斯文楼克雷默的世界政治研究所的援助。Kraemer of the institute of world politics for his assistance.

我们生产安全的食品用品”斯文森说。We are manufacturing what supplies the safety, " Swenson said.

绝不会忘记,绝不原谅。这个圣诞节,斯文尼就会到来。Never forget, never forgive. This Christmas, Sweeney is coming.