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这个孝顺的女儿。The dutiful daughter.

她对父母十分孝顺。She is extremely filial towards her parents.

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我希望你也是位孝顺,端庄的女孩。I hope you are also is filial, dignified girl.

他谆谆教导我要尽孝顺之道。He beat in me the duties of loyalty and filial piety.

家庭和睦,夫妻恩爱,子女孝顺是康复的基本保障。It is basic assurance to have a happy life of family.

独眼的人服从孝顺的观众的命令。The one-eyed man obeyed the obedient audience's order.

独眼的人服从孝顺的不雅众的号令。the one-eyed man obeyed the obedient audience's order.

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对父母的孝顺,要怎样才算尽孝呢?What do you have to do to be considered filial to your parents?

熟命的价格没有仅邪在于孝顺借邪在于捐募。The value of life lies not only in devotion but also in donation.

但是,唐·何塞孝顺母亲,怀念昔日的军营生活,与卡门之间产生了日益激烈的矛盾。However, Jose is still missing his mother and the life in barrack.

只有呵护了父母心去做的一切,才是真正的孝顺。Only the care of a parent to do all that filial piety is the real.

他有些心酸地想,她是个孝顺女儿,但却把他弄得无所适从。A fine pious act, he thought sourly, but it left him at loose ends.

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拉蒙经营这里的生意,为我父母。他是个孝顺的儿子。Ramon runs the business here, for my parents. He's the dutiful son.

至少她最善于辨别,谁对她最体贴,最孝顺。She at least can best judge who is the tender filial-hearted child.

让父母少为自己费点心。做一个孝顺的儿女。Parents for their own costs less snacks. A filial sons and daughters.

要想有良好的道德品质,一定要先孝顺父母。If you want to have good moral character, be sure to first filial piety.

1988年,这位孝顺的女儿返回缅甸伺候病榻上的母亲。In 1988 the dutiful Asian daughter went home to care for her ill mother.

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你可能需要做一些心理治疗,然后才有可能去孝顺父亲。You may have some healing to do before honoring your father is possible.

除了唱功好和帅气之外,我也因为他是一个孝顺的儿子而喜欢他。Besides singing well and cool, I like him because he's a very filial son.

爸爸为了孝顺奶奶,特地去接奶奶和我们去吃牛排。Filial grandmother to my father, grandmother and we went to pick up steak.