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它被锯齿形的山脊所环绕。Surrounded by a jagged mountain ridge.

陡峭,狭窄的山脊或横岭。A sharp, narrow mountain ridge or spur.

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森林火灾在一个山脊位于奇瓦瓦,墨西哥。Forest fires on a ridge in Chihuahua, Mexico.

现在,几乎从所有的山脊人们都已攀登过乔戈里峰了。The peak has now been climbed from almost all ridges.

他们沿着滑溜溜的山脊慢慢前进。They were inching their way along the slippery ridge.

隘口,两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口。A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge.

突然,山脊自己也似乎迸射出火焰。Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flames.

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拉米克住在高耸的山脊上一片有400户人家的地方。Rammick lives high on a ridge in a 400-home subdivision.

东边高处,整个山脊上黑压压的全是骑兵。The whole ridge, up on the east, is black with horsemen.

这条断层带被称为“内马哈断层带”和“亨博”山脊。This fault is called the Nemaha fault and Humbolt ridge.

实际上,他的博士论文就是关于中央山脊的研究。In fact, he wrote his dissertation on the midocean ridge.

山羊的踪迹使土灰色的山脊上布满着斑斑点点。The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dust ridge.

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很多房屋是建造在山脊上、层层叠叠的拱形窑洞。Many are vaulted cave homes built tier upon tier on ridges.

南凯巴布奖励意见远足径以惊人的山脊。South Kaibab Trail rewards hikers with stunning ridge views.

在潮湿地区,山脊沿着耐蚀的石带发育。Ridges occur in humid regions along belts of resistant rocks.

首先被击溃是一个弱小的敌人,山脊部落。They defeated the weakest of their enemies first, the Ridgers.

比尔达把马车停在第一道山脊的隆起部。Bildad had halted upon the shoulder of the first mountain spur.

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现在火星表面的梨沟和山脊的就是冰层运动的结果。Furrows and ridges on the surface were caused by deforming ice.

蓦地,山脊上一只夜枭飞扑直下,悄无声响而赫然如一道火光。An owl swoops from the ridge top, noiseless but bright as flame.

他所在的山脊离基地组织的营地只有3,600英尺。He stood on a ridge only about 3, 600 feet from an Al Qaeda camp.