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不用说,这是大不敬的事。I need hardly say, a very grave offence.

但是要描述这次揭示实在是大不敬。But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.

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洛杉矶湖人队则连努力都没付出,这是对教练的大不敬!The Los Angeles disrespected their coach by failing to even try.

露出来了!但是要描述这次揭示实在是大不敬。It was revealed! But it were irreverent to describe that revelation.

发誓。有些系统会优先处理说过大不敬的话的人。Swear. Some systems put anyone who is using profanity at the front of the line.

对他来说地球是珍贵的,伤害地球是对创始者的大不敬。The earth is precious to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its Creator.

赶快从宝座上下来,这是大不敬的,这样做对你的师父不尊敬。Get down from this throne. This is sacrilegious, you don't pay any respect to the Master.

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事实上,我觉得我选的演讲题目对你有点大不敬。Indeed, I realise now that the title I chose for my lecture might even strike you as a little offensive.

还有,如果这些真的是美国士兵,那么“北约士兵”的称呼真的是大不敬的行为。Also, if these troops were all from USA, then it is a real disservice to describe them as just "NATO" troops.

以利户这时候也进来了,同样的他也很生我的气,因为他觉得我很上帝大不敬,认为我自认为高于上帝。Elihu son of Barachel came in and was angry with me. His thoughts are that I think that I am better than God.

谁能够竟然大不敬地猜想出,他俩身上会有着同样的灼热的耻辱烙印呢!What imagination would have been irreverent enough to surmise that the same scorching stigma was on them both!

在餐桌上,盖茨冲着母亲大吵大嚷,他现在将其描述为“大不敬,并带有狂妄自大的孩子般的粗鲁。”Over the table, he shouted at his mother, in what today he describes as 'utter, total sarcastic, smart-ass kid rudeness.'

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他一向尊敬温斯顿丘吉尔先生,他觉得拍小号丘吉尔的屁股实在是大不敬的事情。He'd always respected Sir Win?ston Churchill, and patting small versions of him on the bottom had al?ways seemed ungracious.

看着他生前的书桌和床铺,我缓缓伸出手,想要触碰,又怕玷污了他的魂灵,是大不敬,只得收回来。He looked at his desk and bed, I slowly held out his hand, want to touch, afraid to sully his Extremely is, only to recover to.

人类甚至犯了大不敬之罪,往神明身上加上了相同的欲望,认为他们也渴望得到永不停息的颂扬。Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the deity , whom they imagine avid for continual praise.

但民众对他的言论感到十分震惊,这不仅仅是因为这些话看来是对遇难者的极大不敬,也因为这与现代日本人的信仰分歧太大。But people were shocked, not just because it seemed to blame the victims — but also because it is so at odds with the beliefs of modern-day Japanese.

我一直在试图拒绝她的爱,连碰碰她的手都觉得不合适,仿佛那是一种纵容,是对死亡的大不敬。I had been trying to deny myself even the touch of her hand, assuming that affection was inappropriate, an indulgence, an irreverence in the face of death.

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犹太家庭还有一个代代相传的传统,那就是书橱要放在床头,因为如果放在床尾,将是对书本的大不敬,这是绝对被禁止的。Jewish families there is a generational tradition, and that is to put Shuchu bedside, because if on Chuangwei, will be on the books Dabujing, it is absolutely prohibited.

然而,尽管他内心如此惧怕,但一想到假着他当真说出那番大不敬的话来,那位圣洁的父辈老执事会吓得何等瞠目结舌,他还是禁不住要笑出声来!And, even with this terror in his heart, he could hardly avoid laughing, to imagine how the sanctified old patriarchal deacon would have been petrified by his minister's impiety.

在一位老人行将就木的时候,将他对人世间最后的期冀斩断,以绝望之心在寂寞中远行,那是对生命的大不敬。When an old man is dying in bed, if you cut off his last hope to the world and let him go away with a desperate heart in loneliness, that will be the greatest disrespect to life.