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把面包烤得焦黄。Toast the bread very dark.

她将面包烤的焦黄。She toasted the bread very dark.

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壁纸因潮湿而变得焦黄。The wallpaper was brown with the damp.

把榛子放到烤箱里烤至焦黄。Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown.

加入米饭,拌炒至米粒脱皮及开始焦黄。Add rice, stir until coated and grains start to burst.

它们被炸得酥脆焦黄。They’ve been fried just enough to be crispy and golden.

放入烤箱,温度225,烤40分钟左右直至土豆外表略微焦黄。Bake the potato for around 40 minutes with 225 Centigrade.

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风怒号,树裸光,牧场干枯焦黄。Of wailing winds, and naked woods, and meadows brown and sere.

他的脸虽浮肿,焦黄,但表现出生理上的满足。But his face, though puffy and yellow, expressed physical satisfaction.

把鱼片放的锅上煎大约4分钟,直到底部焦黄。Add fillets to pan and cook about 4 minutes until bottom side is seared.

煎至焦黄之后加入半锅水,再加入盐和胡椒。After it browns, add a half pot of water and a little more salt and pepper.

说的就是热锅才能贴住饼子,猛火才能让片片长出焦黄的锅巴。Said the hot pan that can be affixed to live pancake, Meng Huo can grow so Pianpian Guoba the sallow.

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鱼是秋天的海鱼,有棒鱼也有黄花,巴掌长,放了姜葱盐腌,腌好了用油煎的焦黄。Fish is the fall fish, with fish sticks are yellow, palm long, put ginger salt, marinate with fried brown.

这栋象迷宫一样的大楼中,过道的天花板很低,地上铺着亚麻油毡地毯,暗暗的紫红色,棕色和烟焦黄构成大楼内部的主色调。It is a maze of low-ceilinged corridors and linoleum floors, in shades of magenta, brown and nicotine yellow.

把榛子放到烤箱里烤至焦黄。待冷却后去掉外皮,打成粉末。Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown. Let cool, rub off the skins, and grind the nuts to a fine powder.

曾经那么令人流连忘返的小路两旁,只剩下焦黄的、枯萎的植物,好象经过了大火的洗劫。The roadsides , once so attractive , were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire.

在海扇贝上洒上盐、胡椒和面粉,平底镬加油10克和牛油5克烧热,将扇贝煎至两面焦黄后取出。Spread salt, pepper and flour over scallops. Heat 10g oil and 5g butter in pan, pan-fry scallops until both sides are golden brown. Remove.

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味道丰富、烤得焦黄的饼皮经常和鸡肉一起搭配食用,一般里面至少由20种原料组成—有时候还更多。The rich, brown paste is usually served over chicken, and it will generally consist of at least 20 ingredients – sometimes, there are many more.

太阳正缓缓变大、变亮,而且在数十亿年之后,会把地球烤乾,让地球成为炙热、焦黄的不毛之地。The sun is slowly expanding and brightening, and over the next few billion years it will eventually desiccate Earth, leaving it hot, brown and uninhabitable.