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迷失在幸福里!Lost in the Happiness!

迷失在这假面舞会里。We're lost in a masquerade.

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我曾经迷失但现在已经回归了正途。I was lost but now am found.

迷失,在河那岸。Lost, on the other riverside.

大城市的交通使我们迷失方向。Big city traffic bewilders us.

编织了迷网却迷失其间。We've weaved a web of mystery.

莪迷失勒方向,莪被逼俑叚面目视秂。Lose my way, Im forced to fake.

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他要他迷失的儿女被寻回。He wants his lost children found!

我不断迷失在妳的双眸。I keep getting lost in your eyes.

我迷失了方向,我被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, Im forced to fake.

我迷失ㄋ方向,我被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, Im forced to fake.

卡莱蒙说道“否则,很容易迷失。”Otherwise, it's easy to get lost.

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记住我们吧——若全非——迷失了的Remember us—if at all—not as lost

我们大家有时会迷失方向,不知道自己在那。We all get disoriented sometimes.

一位游吟歌手迷失其途。A minstrel wandered once that way.

莪迷失了方向,莪被逼用徦面目视人。I lose my way, I'm forced to face.

我迷失了方向,我被逼用假面目见人。I lose my way, I'm forced to fake.

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我发现自己完全迷失于此。I found myself missing all of that.

曾几何时,希望的迷失折断了梦想的翅膀。Whose wings loss of hope had lamed.

在茫茫天地间迷失已久!Long lost between the earth and sky!