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足球必须做出表率。Football must set an example.

领导就意味着起表率作用。Leadership means showing the way by example.

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他的行为举止始终可为人表率。He always comported himself in an exemplary manner.

实际上,汽车市场做了很好的表率。In fact, the automobile market makes a good example.

他是全心全意为人民服务的表率。He set an example of wholehearted service to the people.

现在我知道了,那些人不像她,他们是我的正面的表率。Now I see that, unlike her, they were my positive models.

颁给他的嘉奖令称他表现出非凡的勇气,堪为表率。His citation says he showed outstanding and exemplary courage.

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对于这个能作为过去100年的表率的人,我们还能期望什么呢?What more could we ask of a man to personify the past 100 years?

他们试图用她做表率,要让她屈服于他们的意志。They try to use her as leverage to make her submit to their will.

班级工作尽心尽责,在同学中能起到表率作用。Due diligence work classes, students can play in the play a leading role.

莱茵改变了许多人的生活,既通过她的写作也通过她的个人表率。Lane changed many lives, both through her writing and her personal example.

我们需要痛定思痛,要求变革,并首先自己做好表率。We need to cry foul, require change, and start leading the charge ourselves.

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在各种礼节礼仪问题上,你的行为必须对其他人起到表率作用。In all points of decorum _your_ conduct must be law to the rest of the party.

对于世界各地无数人来说,纳尔逊•曼德拉一直是这样一个表率。Nelson Mandela has been that role model for countless people around the world.

我们的态度非常清楚,我们要以我们的行动而非言词来作出表率。We are making it very clear that we want to lead by actions and not just words.

要以正己为基础,成为学生的表率。They should become a model replicable to students on a basis of self-disciplining.

55岁的苏格兰人呸丫特,就有一方平整的前额,可谓以身试菌做起表率。Pyott, 55, a Scot with a smooth-looking forehead, leads by example and uses it himself.

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投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的表率。The speculator specificnumjust ber one ingly specified the specific of this species specimen.

我们选中的最后一家创新表率是美国电子商务巨头亚马逊。The final company we chose look to for innovation inspiration was the American e-tailer amazon.

我们这些在政府中任职的人员应该作出表率,这体现于我们所确定的基调和倡导的思想。Those of us in government should lead by example, in the tone we set and the ideas we champion.