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这里是第三宫,称之为“湖石宫”。Here is the third palace, the "Palace of Lake Stones".

这样就可以毫不费力地把砖头运到“花岗石宫”上去了。In this way bricks could easily be raised into Granite House.

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升降梯往上升起,不久以后,赫伯特就躺在“花岗石宫”里自己的床上了。The lift was put in motion, and Herbert was soon stretched on his bed in Granite House.

他本人并不怕什么,因为罪犯们是没法到“花岗石宫”上来的。Personally he had nothing to fear, for the convicts could not reach him in Granite House.

工兵们又成了制砖工人。砖头烧成以后,就搬到“花岗石宫”下边来了。The miners became brickmakers again, then the bricks were brought to the foot of Granite House.

他们把捉住的兔子带回“花岗石宫”,晚餐的时候,就作为主菜端出来了。This produce of the chase was brought back to Granite House, and figured at the evening repast.

赛勒斯·史密斯首先想从外面找到“花岗石宫”的正面。Cyrus Harding's first care was to find out the position of the front of Granite House from the outside.

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少年没有回答这个问题,还是继续搜集,“花岗石宫”里的人对这件事都表示非常欢迎。There was no reply to be made to that, but the lad went on with his collection all the same, and it was well received at Granite House.

现在移民们不再考虑罪犯们给“花岗石宫”所带来的危害和高地所遭到的破坏了。Of the convicts, the dangers which menaced Granite House, the ruins with which the plateau was covered, the colonists thought no longer.

水手为了不让赫伯特难受,只好回说艾尔通和纳布一起保卫“花岗石宫”去了。But the sailor, not wishing to distress Herbert, contented himself by replying that Ayrton had rejoined Neb, so as to defend Granite House.

“花岗石宫”的正面高出地面八十英尺,朝着正东,太阳一升起来,首先就会把它照亮。This facade, situated at a height of eighty feet above the ground, was exposed to the east, and the rising sun saluted it with its first rays.

不管是什么原因,六月份照例带来了严寒,居民们只好成天坐守在“花岗石宫”里。At last, for one reason or another, the month of June brought the cold with its accustomed intensity, and the settlers were often confined to Granite House.

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此外赛勒斯·史密斯还打算将来装置一种水力机械,那时候,就可以完全不用“花岗石宫”里的居民浪费时间和气力了。Besides, Cyrus Harding hoped later to establish an hydraulic apparatus, which would avoid all fatigue and loss of time, for the inhabitants of Granite House.

幸而这些顾虑并没有成为事实。风向转往东南,“花岗石宫”的整个海滩都有遗物角给挡住了风。But, very fortunately, these fears were not realized. The wind shifted to the southeast, and there the beach of Granite House was completely covered by Flotsam Point.

正因为这样,这些工人们在锻炼中形成的健康还有谁能比得上呢?每当傍晚,他们为了建设远景而提出上千条计划的时候,“花岗石宫”里是多么愉快和欢乐啊!Then who could have enjoyed better health than these workers, and what good humor enlivened the evenings in Granite House as they formed a thousand plans for the future!

它的建筑遗产与截然不同的巴洛克式建筑风格和纯古典式建筑风格极其和谐,我们可在海军部、冬宫、大理石宫以及爱尔米塔什博物馆看到这些。Its architectural heritage reconciles the very different Baroque and pure neoclassical styles, as can be seen in the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, the Marble Palace and the Hermitage.

因此赛勒斯·史密斯决定不再拖延,立刻开始制造结实的绳梯。以后只要把梯子拉起来,就没有上“花岗石宫”的道路了。Cyrus Harding, therefore, resolved to proceed without any further delay to the fabrication of a strong rope ladder, which, once raised, would render Granite House completely inaccessible.

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他们发现如果从形成“石窟”的乱石堆上画一条垂直线到地面来,那么“花岗石宫”在峭壁上的位置就正在这条线和慈悲河口峭壁凸出的地方中间。It was found to be just at that part of the cliff which was between the projection at the mouth of the Mercy and a perpendicular line traced above the heap of rocks which formed the Chimneys.