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你到底是怎么想的,弃玉石而就孩子呢?Why you give up the jade instead of the kid?

产品以琉璃、玉石、合金为主流。Products to glass, jade, alloy into the mainstream.

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第四章“岫岩县玉石产业可持续发展的立法建议”。Chapter IV, legal suggestion to Xiuyan jade industry.

翡翠赢得了“玉石之王”的美称!Jadeite has won the laudatory title of " jade king "!

第三年的时候,我在帕萨迪纳的玉石码头工作。So in my third year, I was working at Jade Pier over in Pasadena.

楚国人和氏有一次在楚山中发现一块叫做璞的玉石。Chu's once in ChuShan and found a piece of jade called equipments.

余下的森林正像其中蕴藏的绿玉石一样珍贵。The remaining forest is as precious as the greenstone it resembles.

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星期天的和田大巴扎的其中一个角落都是卖玉石的。A corner in the main bazaar of Hotan is dedicated for jade on Sunday.

因为我刚开店,并没有想到要做玉石的鉴定书。Because I had no thought of opening, and do the jade to appraise the.

不管是玉石或钻石,自己拥有的宝石都弥足珍贵!Whether they own jade or diamonds, their jewels are precious to them!

这也有一些亭台楼阁、庙宇宝塔是用金和玉石制成的。There are also many pavilions, pagodas and towers made of gold or jade.

如果不出意外的话,我们会在中午时分到达此次徒步的终点——玉石矿。We would got at the destination, Bowlder Mine at noon if no suddenness.

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而所谓的“岫玉”,是我国对“蛇纹石质玉石”的总称。And the so-called" jade", is our country on the" serpentine stone jade".

经几亿年蕴育演化而形成的纯天然玉石。By hundreds of millions of years of evolution and contains natural jade.

现在我们发现我们已到了和田,这个由这里的玉石,丝绸和地毯而闻名的地方。Now we have found ourselves in Hotan, famous for Jade, Silk and carpets.

背景墙、包柱子。大厅整装,玉石都是呈现高端大气。Background wall, package post. The hall of jade are ready, high-end atmosphere.

和田玉是我国的传统玉石,有悠久的历史。The name of Hetian jade has been spread in China for ages, it has long history.

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也起着装饰和风水的作用,河床与河帮都铺成白色的玉石可以使水看起来更漂亮。Its bed and sides are paved with white stone to enhance the beauty of the water.

楚国人和氏在楚山中得到一块未加工的玉石,捧着进献给厉王。Chu and Chu's in the mountains get a raw jade, holding into the dedicated Li Wang.

这块玉石上的疵瑕并不影响整块玉的价值。The flaws on this piece of jade do not affect the value of the entire set of jade.