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"cheap"的反义词。The opposite of cheap.

爱和恨是反义词。Love and hate are antonyms.

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便宜的反义词是贵。Antonyms cheap is expensive.

“好”是“坏”的反义词。Good' is the antonym of 'bad'.

“痛苦”是“快乐”的反义词。"Happy" is an antonym of "sad".

我知道这个肆意的反义词,就是平滑。The opposite of smooth and flat.

“痛苦”是“快乐”的反义词。"Pain" is the antonym of "pleasure".

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原告是被告的反义词。Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant.

反义词是指意思相反的词。Antonyms are words of opposite meaning.

给出这个词的同义词和反义词。Give the synonym and antonym of this word.

临时的反义词是永久的。"Temporary" is the antonym of "permanent".

你怎么能在同义词典中发现反义词呢?How can you find antonyms in the thesaurus?

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当然对于它的近义词与反义词我们也要掌握。Also make sure to learn synonyms or antonyms.

同类语词典是一本拥有同义词和反义词的书。A thesaurus is a book of synonyms and antonyms.

依我看,这又是一对反义词。In my opinion, this is also a pair of antonyms.

请说出这个词的同义词和反义词。Please give a synonym and antonym for this word.

那么“喜欢”和“讨厌”呢,它们是反义词吗?What about "like"and "hate", are they antonyms ?

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在这个意义上,力比多的反义词是死亡本能。In this sense, the antonym of libido is destrudo.

你能给出下列形容词的反义词吗?。Can you give the antonyms of the following adjectives?

"背叛"的反义词是"忠诚"或"效忠"。The antonym of ‘betrayal’ is ‘loyalty’ or ‘allegiance.’