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你可以自制一个反光板或柔光罩,很便宜。You can make one for cheap.

她们在学习自制。They're learning self-restraint.

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自制的酒有的酒性很烈。Home-made wine can be very alcoholic.

他高兴得不能自制。He cannot contain himself for the joy.

如何自制成本不高逼格不低的咖啡?。How to make decent coffee at low cost?

你有吃过自制的冰淇淋吗?HaWe you ever tried homemade ice cream?

她拿自制的冰淇淋作甜点心。She had homemade ice cream for dessert.

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1918年作自制的油画颜料试作油画。In 1918, he decided to try oil painting.

交换自制的礼物或者消费品。Exchange home-made gifts or consummables.

其他自制的食物礼品怎么样呢?How about some other homemade food gifts?

她高兴地几乎不能自制。She could hardly contain herself for joy.

自制的华夫饼也很容易冷冻。Homemade waffles can be easily frozen, too.

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若有自知之明方能自制。Self-knowledge is a preface to self-control.

我用了特别的佐料和自制蕃茄酱。I use a special dressing and homemade catsup.

我用了特别的佐料和自制的番茄酱。I use a special dressing and homemade catsup.

它比白宫的一顿早餐还自制。It cost less thone dinner on the White House.

用自制橡皮泥做个动物家族.Build animal families out of homemade play doh.

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自制文档虽然过时,但很有用Self-documentation is often belated, but useful

祖母自制的酒是用梅子酿的。Grandmother's homemade wine was made from plums.

自制的柳编成品拿来出售。He takes out his self-made wickerwork and sells it.