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放假时她常去参加义务劳动。She often does volunteer labour during holidays.

他在那里时参加了一项工程的义务劳动。While there he joined in voluntary labour on a project.

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但是,今天我们去那里参加义务劳动。But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.

许多青年工人放弃休息日去参加义务劳动。Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary labour.

明天我不能参加义务劳动。因为有别的事。I shall not be able to take part in the voluntary labour tomorrow.

每周五学校都组织学生进行义务劳动。The school organizes its students to do voluntary labor every Friday.

这座建筑在准备迎接游客之前,需要数千小时的义务劳动。It took thousands of hours of volunteer labor to ready the building for show.

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几万名市民利用周末、晚上或节假日参加义务劳动。Many thousands did so at week-ends, in the evenings, or during their holidays.

他的团队为需要无懈可击安全的银行和商行义务劳动。His team does freelance work for banks and businesses in need of airtight security.

学术著作常常要自费出版,学术研究变成了义务劳动。Academic works at their own expense, often to the press, academic research into the voluntary labor.

想去义务劳动,或训练治理动物,或是成为当地火警队的一员的人?Always wanted to work for a nonprofit, train therapy animals, or get involved with the local fire station?

但实在不敢劳兄义务劳动,不过我会与兄再联系的,再次深深表示由衷的感谢!!!But I dare not have you work compulsorily , and I will connect with you and show my appreciation again! ! !

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他也尽可能利用一切机会去帮助他人或参加义务劳动。He also, as far as possible the use of every opportunity to help others or to take part in voluntary labor.

我和同学去附近的公园,我们没有去那里娱乐,但参加义务劳动。My classmates and I went to the park nearby, we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary labor.

假设你因喝酒而被停学,罚做20个小时的义务劳动,那你就做上50个小时。If you got suspended from school for drinking, for example, "and the punishment is 20 community service hours, do 50."

成千上万的人每天参加义务劳动,对工程的提前完成起了很大的推动作用。The voluntary labour of thousands of people day by day helped greatly to bring the project to completion ahead of schedule.

法律上的志愿服务不等同于政治上和道德上的“义务劳动”、“做好人好事”。Legal definitions of volunteerism are different from political and moral definitions of "compulsory labor" and "to do good".

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把每周和每日要做的义务劳动、家务活和任务写下来然后制定周日程和每天日常非常有益。It’s helpful to write down all of your weekly and daily obligations, chores, and tasks, and then plan out daily and weekly routines.

不不不,他会自愿去厨房做义务劳动,并在下午第二次的训练开始前奖励自己一满杯牛奶。Nah, I'm volunteering at the soup kitchen today, then treating myself to a glass of whole milk before my second workout of the afternoon.

星期天去看病,路过一个建筑工地,他参加了一天义务劳动,执行任务回连队途中,冒雨送老大娘回家。Go seeing a doctor on Sunday, transient a construction site, he attended compulsory work one day, executive task winds company way in, mao Yu sends a granny to come home.