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“我想要买你的驴子,”两人异口同声说。"I'll buy your donkey, " said the two.

老师们异口同声地称赞他。The teachers praised him with one accord.

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决议博得满场异口同声的欢呼。The resolution was acclaimed with one voice.

孩子们都异口同声的说这是一个聪明的计划。The children agreed that this was a clever plan.

各报异口同声地对总统进行颂扬。The papers all chorused the praise of the president.

异口同声地对总统表示赞扬。The papers all chorused the praises of the President.

“要非常,非常的小心。”贝弗莉和我异口同声的乞求着。"Very, very good care, " Beverly and I pleaded in unison.

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德黑兰也异口同声的认为以色列已被“破坏”。crowds in Tehran chorused that Israel had been “destroyed”.

"我不能."大胖猫、脏老鼠和贪食猪异口同声地说。"Not I. "said the Fat Cat. said the Dirty Rat. said the Greedy Pig.

大家异口同声地称赞她献身教育事业的精神。Everybody spoke in praise of her devotion to the cause of education.

“全世界的科学家已明确发表意见,异口同声”他说。"The world's scientists have spoken clearly, and with one voice," he said.

他们异口同声说他们只是被一般的从业人员评估,而且那些人误解了他们的回答。Both say they were assessed by a general practitioner who misconstrued their answers.

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大家都会异口同声地说,有许多不可预知因素影响相互获得真正爱情。In concert, these many factors mean the path to true love can be somewhat unpredictable.

孩子们都异口同声得说哲湜壹戈聪明得计划。他们爬尚山,来到叻老妇忍得晓屋。The children agreed that this was a clever plan. Up the hill they went to the old woman's hut.

柯林斯一直记着不同国家的人异口同声地对他说,“‘我们成功了’——这真是一件美妙的事。”Collins remembers people of every nation saying to him, “‘We did it’ — it was a wonderful thing.

华纳站起来紧张地倾听众人异口同声肯定这个诊断。提克宣读了审判。Warner stood listening tensely to the voices affirming the diagnosis. Tick delivered the verdict.

抗议民众异口同声地说,政府罔顾民意,侮辱他们的尊严。Protesters invariably say that theirgovernment has insulted their dignity by ignoring their views.

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镇上所有的体面居民和小康人家,都异口同声,一齐反对费劳孙。All the respectable inhabitants and well-to-do fellow-natives of the town were against Phillotson to a man.

但最出人意料地还是,大家异口同声地指微软难辞其原罪之咎。But what is most surprising is that so many people blame Microsoft for having the software flaw in the first place.

波尔图和切尔西的球员都异口同声地承认穆里尼奥是位足智多谋的鼓动家及事无具细的组织者。The players at both Porto and Chelsea have attested to the fact Mourinho is a masterful motivator and meticulous organiser.