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如何测量放射性?How is radioactivity measured?

还发现了放射性铯。Radioactive caesium has also been detected.

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那么为什么煤电废物看上去很具放射性呢?So why does coal waste appear so radioactive?

无放射性骨坏死和干槽症发生。Therewere no osteoradionecrosis and dry socket.

对辐射的恐惧深深地隐藏在日本文化中,银幕中摧毁东京的怪兽哥斯拉就是由放射性的尘埃造成的。Fear of radiation burrowed into Japanese culture.

两组均无放射性脊髓炎。There was no radioactive myelitis in both groups.

我们不应再谈论关于放射性微尘的危害。We should stop talking about the menace of fallout.

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提起放射性,人们自然想到居里夫妇。Bring radioactive, people naturally think of Curies.

对人类的危险程度和放射性是什么?What is the danger level for humans and radioactivity?

肝血池相呈放射性填充。No radioactive filling was found in the postpone phase.

一些食品中还发现含有放射性铯。Radioactive cesium has also been detected in some foods.

对运载着放射性废料的卡车的称重是个必要的过程。Weighting of radwaste machines is a necessary procedure.

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钋是高放射性的元素,金属。Polonium is a highly radioactive element and a metalloid.

核电站排出放射性的废弃物。Nuclear power-stations produce waste which is radioactive.

综合体尽端是一个庭院,与放射性布局的研讨室毗邻。The complex ends in a court adjoining the radial workshop.

该方格网还用来进行放射性浅孔测量。The surveyed grids were also used for radiometric probing.

目的探讨放射性肺炎的中医证候学规律。Objective Explore the TCM syndrome rule of radio pneumonia.

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氮的这种放射性形式在自然界中不会产生。This radioactive form of nitrogen does not occur in nature.

“放射性的碘一个月后消失,”胡夫曼说。"Radioactive iodine will be gone in a month," Hoffman said.

这些元素都有放射性,而且性质与锕相似。All are radioactive and have similar properties to actinium.