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我们去年改建的。We remodelled it last year.

他们住在谷仓改建成的房屋。The live in a converted barn.

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他把车库改建成图书馆。He turned a garage into a library.

最近,它被改建成了一家博物馆。Recently it was turned into a museum.

伊丽莎白二世现在已改建的桥梁。Elizabeth II now has rebuilt that bridge.

这个房子被极大程度的从新改建。This house have been extensively remodelled.

改建后的声强分布。Sound intensity distribution after alteration.

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他们把多出来的卧室改建为书房。They converted the spare bed-room into a study.

他们把阅览室改建成了一个试验室。They turned the reading room into a laboratory.

关闭磨牙间隙后牙槽骨改建及牙根吸收情况。Root resorption after the closure of molar space.

厨房是我们决定改建的第一个房间。The kitchen is first room we decided to renovate.

而另一座场馆被改建为购物中心。Another facility is being transformed into a mall.

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可改建成一个消防站,消防车和救援车!Build a Fire Station, Fire Truck and Rescue Truck!

他们把地下室改建成阅览室。They transformed the basement into a reading room.

认为这是厨房改建就是所有你需要?Think is kitchen remodelling is what all you need?

他们把一个牲口棚改建成一个很舒适的房子。They converted an old stable into a comfortable house.

估算一下改建阁楼的费用总是很有必要的。It is always worth having a loft conversion costed out.

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使用脚手架安全地砌墙的改建车库。Use scaffolding to safely drywall your remodeled garage.

许多旧的大房子都己改建成了单元房。Many large old houses have now been converted into flats.

改建计划尚不成形。The plan of reconstruction has not taken on the shape yet.