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我们多次争论著要去哪里吃晚餐。We were arguing many times where can go to have the supper.

大师开拓性的研究成果,都反映在一字千金的论著中。Master, pioneering research is reflected in the treatise of gold.

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车主们还在争论著应该用脚刹车还是用手刹车。The car argue whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied.

其表现就是书学论著的大量出现。The expression of that was the advent of plenty of calligraphic theories.

共发表论著十五篇,参与编书3部。I have published 15 papers and participated in the preparation of 3 books.

发表学术论著10余篇和参编专著2本。Publication of academic works on more than 10 articles and two monographs.

时贤的两部有关焦山石刻和碑林研究的论著中,存在一些文字上的疏漏。However, two contemporary essays on Jiaoshan Forest of Steles have some errors.

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他认为这个新研究是对该主题有关论著的一个“有趣”的补充。This new study is an "interesting" addition to the literature on the topic, he said.

1998年至2005年,学术界对朱德进行了研究,发表文章约100篇,出版论著约20部。Academic circles published about 100 essays and 20 books on Zhu De from 1998 to 2005.

对于方士和六朝小说,前人已有很多的研究论著。For the alchemists and the Six Dynasties'novels, previous studies have been on a lot.

学述论著中的参考引文与知识产权有着密切的关系。The reference and Citation in academic papers closely relate to intellectual property.

但长时期来,我国学术界有关禁忌研究,尚属薄弱环节,论著量少面窄。But for a long time, the study of taboo is a very weak link in China's academic circles.

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合资的车主们还在争论著应该用脚刹车还是用手刹车。The joint owners of the car argued whether the footbrake or the handbrake should be applied.

有很多神启的论著,而且神启程度不同。there were lots of texts that were inspired, and there were different levels of inspiration.

然而因史料缺乏等原故,专门研究辽宁流人的论著寥若晨星。However, owing to the lack of historical materials, treatises on this field are rarely found.

这亦可从马克斯·韦伯和罗素等西方大家的论著中窥见一斑。This is also revealed in the works of some great thinkers like Max Weber and Bertrand Russell.

这一特异现象早在1970年代即有论著记叙,然而只是到了现在,科学才开始解说其中原因。This anomaly was documented in the early 1970s, but only now is science beginning to tell us why.

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我想,从南方的黑人到北方的妇女,大家都在谈论著权利,白人绅士们很快就要吃苦头了。I think that ' twixt the Negroes of the South and the women at the North, be in a fix pretty soon.

同时,安东妮亚、卡拉斯寇医生、神父和管家谈论著唐吉柯德的妄想。Meanwhile, Antonia, Dr. Carrasco, padre, and housekeeper are talking about Quixote's delusion. Dr.

另外,她还和姐姐合作撰写了一些著名的教育学论著。With her sister during the 1880s, she also established a training school for kindergarten teachers.