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否则,即使采用了前卫的形式,也仅是媚俗的伪艺术。Otherwise, although in avantgarde form, it is but Kitsch.

他媚俗男女这项真棒看片,他称之为的MID。He's kitsched up this awesome looking piece which he calls the MID.

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媚俗是存在与遗忘之间的中转站。Kitsch is the existence and transfer between the forgotten station.

地球上人的博爱将只可能以媚俗作态为基础。The brotherhood of man on earth will be possible only on a base of kitsch.

一个开发商如何正视从风俗到流行到媚俗的压力?How will a developer endure the pressure from custom, popularity to kitsch?

如果我来给张楚做个简单的定义,一位孤独的诗人,一颗不肯媚俗的心。Had I make a definition of Zhang Chu, a lonely poet and an uncompromising heart.

她说,“划桨女孩”这个词后来成了苏联式媚俗的代名词,只要是对前苏联还有印象的人,听到这个词都会发笑。Hearing this term, everybody who still remembers the Soviet Union starts to laugh.

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文人相轻、文化太监、媚雅、媚俗。Scholars scorn each other, culture the eunuch, flatters elegant , charming custom.

我们渴望“媚俗”能在人类前进的历程中发挥积极的作用。We are eager to "kitsch" in the history of mankind forward to play an active role.

这也许是美国著名艺术评论家所说的政治和商业化的媚俗吧。Maybe this is a famous art critic of the vulgarization of the political and commercial bar.

而现在,如同查理大桥和城堡一样,卡夫卡已经成为了布拉格媚俗艺术的一部分。And now, along with the Charles Bridge and the castle, Kafka has become a part of Prague kitsch.

除了虚假新闻,低俗、媚俗之风盛行也让媒体的公信力变得不堪一击。On top of fake news report, vulgar style has also left media’s credibility in a dangerous position.

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而以“顺应市场”为名的媚俗、“时尚”、奢侈产品也层出不穷。Kitsch, fashion and luxurious products in the name of complying with market are emerging one after another.

犹如人们购买钻石项链,是一种货币化的爱意符号,一种光鲜而媚俗的表达。They're the edible equivalent of a diamond necklace, monetary tokens of affection, a flashy display to show you care.

他没有像同时代的一些北京艺术家那样,做让人震惊的或是媚俗的艺术作品。He does not, however, participate in the shock and kitschy "Chineseness" of many artists of his generation in Beijing.

教学设计要以有效为行为准则,勇于挑战趋时媚俗的行为。Two, the teaching design want with valid for behavior standard, the Mei vulgar behavior while braving challenge to tend.

但余华的转型如他当年追求先锋文学般存在着些许的极端性,媚俗似乎向他靠拢。But Yu Hua's vanguard in the pursuit of literature as if he was the existence of some extreme, whereas he seemed to move.

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在沉重的压力下,白杨的每一片嫩芽,每一片叶子都在努力向上,绝不弯腰乞求,更没有媚俗的奴相。In the heavy pressure, poplar buds every one, every leaf in hard, and never bend over to beg, not to the slave with kitsch.

而其他人虽然在流行乐以外的其它流派里取得了巨大的成功,不过,被公众记住却是因为某支媚俗的歌曲。Others are highly successful in non-pop genres but are remembered by the public for the one that appealed to the hoi polloi.

许多人凭借博客网站大玩娱乐媚俗的写作游戏,但它也给人们提供了自由民主的创作空间。Blog websites offer quite a lot of people an opportunity to write vulgar works, but it provides us a free writing space as well.