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妥协为时不远?Is a compromise in sight?

为时整学期的专题和论文。Semester-long project and paper.

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现在开始为时未晚。It’s not too late to get started.

我认为那时去为时不算太晚。I allowed it was not too late to go.

大学为时4~6年。The college education lasts 4 to 6 years.

到那个时候,人类再想挽回则为时太晚。By then it will be irretrievably too late.

即使心碎,也已为时晚矣。Then it's already too late for heartbreak.

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如果为时不晚,这也是我们所需要的。It is also what we need before it is too late.

活到老学到老,亡羊补牢为时未晚。Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.

趁现在为时未晚,我们来解决彼此的分歧吧。Let's settle our differences before it's too late.

灾难后的劝告犹如人死后的药方,为时晚矣。Advice after mischief is like medicine after death.

唱一首退场赞美诗已经为时甚晚啦--这是最后撤出亚洲的几个点之一。It was a late recessional, one of the last in Asia.

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光明节是一个为时八天的犹太教节日。Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday in December.

数字货币的革新为时不远了。Innovations in digital currency can't be far behind.

凯伦·潘自告奋勇,提出站第一班为时三十分钟的岗。Karen Penn volunteered for the first half-hour shift.

决不让你走你的信用卡已为时不远。Never allow your credit card to go out of your sight.

卡莫纳博士说,这是戒烟为时未晚。Dr. Carmona said it is never too late to stop smoking.

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她每六个月来经一次,每次为时两星期。They came once every six months and lasted a fortnight.

改变你的用水方式为时未晚It's not too late to change your wasteful ways with water

第二天上午,我参加了为时两天的湄公河巡航游。The next morning I joined a two-day cruise up the Mekong.