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她有开快车的癖好。She has a mania for driving fast.

卡扎菲上校是个集万千古怪癖好于一身的男人。Colonel Gaddafi is a man of eccentricities.

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一种癖好不久便转化成了持久的热情。What started out as a hobby soon became a passion.

我有两种策略来处理这种癖好。I’ve found two ways to try to deal with this tendency.

如果说他有什么经常性的癖好的话,那就是他老想惹人吃惊。If he had one abiding trait, it was his desire of astonishing people.

在他的现实世界女友使他心碎后,他就投向了机器人迷恋癖好。He turned to robot fantasies after a real-life girlfriend broke his heart.

这个问题使我感到困窘不安,我回答说懒惰是我的主要癖好。Abashed at this question, I answered that sloth was my besetting temptation.

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别害怕展现真实的自己,你的癖好、你的缺点和你的激情都可以展现出来。Don’t be afraid to show the real you, with all your quirks, flaws and passion.

有时我觉得这些人生来就有那些癖好。Sometimes I think these are people who were just born with those inclinations.

在古希腊神话里,到处都可以看到潘神由于这个癖好而到处惹祸的故事。Greek mythological stories of Faun often place him in dilemmas because of his desires.

很多父母认为玩电子游戏是浪费时间的癖好,但是原来它们是一门大生意。Many parents may think video games are a time-wasting hobby, but they're big business.

在我成长的孟买中,宗教就如同发型般是你个人的一种癖好。In the Bombay I grew up in, your religion was a personal eccentricity, like a hairstyle.

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也许这些公司所激发的强烈的忠诚感只是一种有趣的癖好。Perhaps the intense loyalty that these firms inspire is just an interesting idiosyncrasy.

他还有个小癖好,就是在老家街角卖柠檬水、果珍饮料,赚点外快。He also had a habit of selling lemonade or Tang on his street corner to earn spending money.

论文作者还建议医生问询一下这种怪疮患者有那些癖好。And doctors, the authors write, should ask patients with strange lesions about their hobbies.

作为一个画家,他癖好以一本正经的人物入画,表现他们猛然摆脱繁文缛节后的形象。As a painter, he showed a penchant for formal figures suddenly released from all constraints.

“艺术形式即技术”的观点来解释这样的个人癖好。I wonder how Mr. Teachout might square such idiosyncrasies with his "art forms as technologies."

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在许多大城市,迎合这些特殊癖好的俱乐部,沿着大街小巷,如雨后春笋般兴起。Clubs have sprung up across the country along with shops catering to fetishists in most major cities.

有个南郭先生听说了国王的这个癖好,就想办法进入了乐队。A man named Nanguo heard about this penchant of the king's, and devised a plan to infiltrate the band.

这是左翼媒体首推的社会准则,他们希望我们能照顾到每个人的癖好。It is the leftist media's preferredsocial code, and they want us to assume it's everyone's preference.