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第30周时,古德里奇太太进行了人工剖腹产。At 30 weeks, Mrs. Goodrich had an emergency caesarean.

我是在38周还没有出现症状的时候去做的剖腹产。I was not yet 38 weeks, when symptoms do Caesarean section.

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一个政府专家委员会在2006年对选择性剖腹产提出了警告。A government panel warned against elective C-sections in 2006.

政策说剖腹产是不好的,那么证据最好就能够证明它是不好的。Policy says Caesareans are bad, so the evidence had better prove it.

39岁的纪子妃在医院接受剖腹产手术后,成功生下了这个男婴。The birth came minutes after Kiko, 39, underwent a Caesarean section.

术后母绵羊继续妊娠,待足月后行剖腹产取胎羊。After surgical intervention the fetal sheep continued on its gestation.

你有两次剖腹产,但也有一次顺产经历。You have had 2 cesareans before, but you have also had a vaginal delivery.

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维多利亚在美国洛杉矶的赛达斯-西奈医院剖腹产女。The birth took place by Caesarean at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles.

医生们发现她的血压很低,同时剖腹产切口处有液体潴留。Fluid had gathered around her C-section and her blood pressure was very low.

她没有办法就去医院剖腹产了。She had no alternative option but to go to hospital for a Caesarian section.

第二天,她将接受剖腹产手术,迎来她的第一个孩子。She was to have a cesarean-section the next day. It would be her first child.

报告指出,剖腹产手术在全球许多国家中达到了“泛滥的比例”。It noted C-sections have reached "epidemic proportions" in many countries worldwide.

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你这次怀孕没有必须剖腹产的指证,如胎盘前置。You don't have a reason for a cesarean in this pregnancy, such as a placenta previa.

最近一项研究发现剖腹产使婴儿过早出生。A recent study finds C-sections may be a contributing to babies being born too early.

对于医疗卫生人员来说,剖宫产分娩是剖腹产手术的特定例行基地。Cesarean deliveries are termed C-sections on a routine bases by health care providers.

最大的风险就是分娩过程中剖腹产的伤口会破裂。The most serious risk of a VBAC is that a C-section scar could come open during labor.

剖腹产之后,面对一个生龙活虎的婴儿,她百思不得其解。A quick caesarean section later, and she was the baffled mother of a bouncing baby boy.

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罗马尼亚一名重240公斤的孕妇18日剖腹产下一名2.9公斤重的女婴。A romanian heavy 240 kilograms of pregnant women 18 under ac-section 2.9 kg heavy girl.

莫迪补充说剖腹产手术也可能会影响激素与酶的自然平衡。Modi added that caesarean could also affect the natural balance of hormones and enzymes.

就在索恩科特剖腹产生下纳特短短几分钟后,她又被推进了外科手术室。Minutes after doctors delivered Nate by emergency C-section, Southcott went into surgery.