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浣熊吃小龙虾。Raccoons eat crayfish.

小浣熊可以住在城市里。Racoons can live in cities.

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谁不喜欢一个浣熊呢?Who doesn’t like a raccoon?

小浣熊可以住森林里。Racoons can live in forests.

这是浣熊的骨头。Here is the one of the raccoon.

浣熊可栖居在森林。Racoons can live in the forest.

浣熊在垃圾里找寻食物。Racoons foraged in the garbage.

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下个进来浣熊先生。Next to come in was Mister Coon.

我们把后院的浣熊解放了!We released the racoon from our backyard!

浣熊命名,它们在黎明的溪流中为神沐浴。Raccoons washing God in the streams at dawn.

最常见的类型是猎浣熊犬瘫痪。The most common type is Coonhound paralysis.

它和猎浣熊犬撕扯时,树篱晃个不停。The hedge shook as he tangled with the hound.

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我想要猎犬——浣熊猎犬——而且我想要两只。I want hounds-coon hounds-and I want two of them.

“我在想下次应该试一下浣熊,”她说。"I'm thinking of trying a raccoon next time, " she said.

你不必须接受这些浣熊一样的眼睛了!You don't' have to accept those raccoon-like eyes anymore!

马的d/l值,只是浣熊的1。5倍。is only about one and a half times larger than the raccoon.

台风浣熊袭港,创下多个纪录。Typhoon Neoguri affected Hong Kong, it broke lots of record.

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这盘带子,是前浣熊市7频道主播泰瑞莫拉斯拍摄的。This tape, work of former Raccoon 7 anchorwoman Terri Morales.

影响浣熊的副热带高压脊西北沿于昨晚稍稍东退。The NW edge of the subtropical ridge retreated a bit last night.

临近傍晚的时候,他忽然在一棵很高的山毛榉上发现了一只浣熊。Then , toward evening, he spotted a racoon high in a beech tree.