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有见地!小弟就是有鉴于此,这次破釜沉舟。Sure! Because of that I tried to risk for the last time.

有鉴于此,该公司开始实行灵活的工作时间和轮班制。So Aflac started offering flexible schedules and job sharing.

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有鉴于此,我列举出来我的人际关系的10条大忌。In that spirit, I made my own list of 10 relationship no-no’s.

有鉴于此,我们可以预见风水在美国将大有可为。In view of this, we can foresee a bright future for geomancy in America.

有鉴于此,我决定先找出我个人哲学的精髓。So I decided to figure out what the essence of my personal philosphy was.

有鉴于此,我们的价值化工作常常失之于保守。For that reason, our valuation work has always erred on the side of conservatism.

有鉴于此,并考虑到此问题的重要性,各方有必要进行深入讨论。Accordingly and in view of the importance of this issue, further discussion is needed.

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有鉴于此,吕松的绘画作品不仅是对自然的描绘,也是自然的一部分。Through this, his paintings are not only about nature, they are also a part of nature.

有鉴于此,不论是出自于环保考虑还是自身原因,我已经决定不生孩子。And so, for environmental as well as personal reasons, I've decided not to have children.

有鉴于此,一些人正在想投资日本的时机是否已经最终到来了。And that is making some wonder whether the moment to invest in Japan has finally arrived.

有鉴于此,匈牙利似乎也不可能达成出口急剧增长这个预期中的效果。Given that, Hungary is unlikely to get the desired effect of a sharp increase in exports.

有鉴于此,我们团队就把注意力集中到把当前特性完善到适合生产环境使用。In light of this our team has been focusing on getting the current feature set production ready.

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有鉴于此,无论我们如何来形容,当前的读数都不可能和高字拉上关系。So by no stretch of the imagination can current sentiment levels be described as excessively high.

有鉴于此,本文设计了基于铁基非晶薄带GMI效应的弱磁传感器。Then, a weak magnetic sensor based on GMI effect in Fe-based amorphous ribbon is designed in this paper.

有鉴于此,我们提供有效率提升方法使得原本的FP-tree可以进而成为一个较高阶层次的FP-tree。We then provide efficient evolution algorithms to modify the original FP-tree to a higher level FP-tree.

有鉴于此,尚品将在9月15日推出一本在线杂志,向消费者介绍奢侈品文化。So on September 15, Shangpin will try to address this obstacle by launching an online editorial magazine.

有鉴于此,Zloch将Birkenfeld的服刑开始日期推迟至2010年1月8日.Taking this into account, Zloch deferred the date for Birkenfeld to report to prison until January 8, 2010.

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有鉴于此,该大楼外表将采用铝,因为铝的使用寿命长,而且易于维护。As a result, aluminum will be used for the building facade, due to its long lifespan and ease of maintenance.

有鉴于此,对于企业的套期保值动机,投资者及其他相关利益者理应明辨。Therefore, investors and other relative beneficiaries should pay attention to the motives of hedging of firms.

陆军部有鉴于此,给予每个战地指挥官一笔数量可观的现金,备作赔偿之用。The war department recognizing this gave to each theater commander considerable credits to be used when needed.