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大多数海鸟都以鱼为食物。Many sea birds live on fish.

海鸟正在那儿营窝做巢。Sea birds were nesting there.

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当我听到那些海鸟哭时。When I hear those seabirds cry.

这些可爱的海鸟就是企鹅!These cute seabirds are penguins!

形目科几种鸥形海鸟。A bird of the order Passeriformes.

一只浸没在泄漏的石油中的死亡的海鸟。A bird covered in oil flails in the water.

鼓起你火焰般的羽翼吧,海鸟在歌唱。Flap your flaming wings, as many a seabird sings.

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一眼望去江天上只有几只海鸟。A few seabirds fly in the vast sky over the river.

路易斯安那州格兰的特雷岛上的一只海鸟。A bird surfaces at East Grand Terre Island in Louisiana.

他是用养自己的方法去养海鸟的。He was treating the seabird the same way he treated himself.

鱼类和海鸟错把塑料当作食物而呛死。Fish and seabirds mistake plastic for food and choke to death.

她会在沙滩上为海鸟们抹走羽毛上的油污。That's her on the beach wiping oil off the sea-birds' feathers.

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猎鹰、翠鸟和许多海鸟利用俯冲出击来擒拿猎物。Falcons, kingfishers and many seabirds use dives to attack prey.

笔盖与扣除材料保持了海鸟。The pens are covered with netting material to keep out seabirds.

鸟粪层就是海鸟的粪便,可以用作肥料。Guano means droppings from seabirds used as a sort of fertilizer.

比如,北方塘鹅是很难在海岸边见到的海鸟。Northern gannets, for example, are seabirds rarely seen on shore.

所有的海鸟——海鸥也罢,海鹅也罢,都靠食鱼而生,连肉都带鱼腥味了。Live on fish, fishy flesh they have, all seabirds, gulls, seagoose.

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四点左右,海鸟的叫声将使水手从梦中惊醒。At about four o'clock, the roustabouts are roused by the sound of seabirds.

在图片里有一条鱼、一艘小船、一位渔夫、一座小岛、两棵树和一些海鸟。There is a big bird, a fish man, sea, an island, some birds in the picture.

这时,他们愈发吃起海鸟以及其它老鼠。At that point they increasingly start to eat seabirds, as well as other mice.