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红珊瑚,狭路相逢。Red coral, unavoidable confrontation.

在一个光线阴暗的机库中,两人与杜库狭路相逢。In a darkened hangar, the two confronted Dooku.

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当爱情与世俗在现实生活中狭路相逢时,落荒而逃的一定是爱情。When love against secular in real life, must be defeated and flee love.

汉?索罗有一段与众多赏金猎人在曼特尔兵站狭路相逢的历史。Han Solo has had a history of close run-ins with bounty hunters on Ord Mantell.

狭路相逢勇者胜,现在来判断真正的勇者还为时过早。Comes face to face with an adversary the brave victory, now judges true brave to be also too early.

三分入账之后,利物浦超越热刺升到了联赛第五。双方将在周日狭路相逢。In collecting three points Liverpool leapfrogged Tottenham into fifth. The two sides meet on Sunday.

韩国队出师大捷,打败了动作迟缓的波兰队,取得历史性胜利,紧接着便与美国队狭路相逢。The squad began with a historic triumph over sluggish Poland, then found itself face to face with the US.

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在世界杯历史上,巴西队与非洲球队狭路相逢共6次,巴西人完胜。The Brazilians have now won all six of their matches against African teams in the history of the tournament.

双方狭路相逢,毕晓云以孩子和刘护士为人质,要挟张书记投降。The two sides meet, Bi Xiaoyun with the child and nurse Liu hostage, threatening to surrender Secretary zhang.

周五早上,在尼翁进行的欧冠半决赛抽签仪式上,红军和上赛季亚军切尔西狭路相逢。The Reds face last season's runners-up Chelsea in the quarter-finals following the draw in Nyon on Friday morning.

我女儿和男朋友在山里徒步旅行时跟带小熊的黑熊狭路相逢。这可真是段令人毛骨悚然的经历。My daughter and her boyfriend had a hair-raising time hiking in the mountains -- they met a black bear with her cub.

陆地与大海狭路相逢,互不相让,形成一道道蔚为壮观的景象,这些风景随着季节的交替和早晚的更迭而变幻无常。Land and sea collide to create spectacular perspectives, which change with the seasons and within the space of a day⑦.

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我和多多竟成了狭路相逢竟争者,只有勇者才能争取到惟一一个摆脱生存困窘的机会。I become more and had considered quitting the competition, only the brave can win only one to survive out of embarrassment.

如果英勇而乐于助人的超人和阴郁的“黑暗骑士”蝙蝠侠狭路相逢展开恶斗,你觉得谁会赢?If the valiant do-gooder Superman were locked in battle with Batman, the emotionally tortured "Dark Knight", who would win?

1982年马岛战争之后,两国在1986年世界杯1/4决赛时狭路相逢。After the two nations fought each other in the 1982 Falklands War, they came face-to-face in a 1986 World Cup quarter final.

1982年马岛战争之后,两国在1986年世界杯1/4决赛时狭路相逢。After the two nations fought each other in the 1982 Falklands War, they came face-to-face in a 1986 World Cup quarter final.

假设一下,当在市场中狭路相逢时,目前,国内传统开发及融资模式又会拥有几分胜算呢?Assumptions about when in the market struggle, the current domestic and traditional financing model will have a bit of success?

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在昨晚小组赛中,托雷斯得分帮助球队以二比一击败瑞典,在四分之一决赛中,他所在的西班牙队与斯科拉里的球队狭路相逢。The Spaniard scored in the 2-1 win over Sweden last night that took Spain through to join Scolari's side in the quarter-finals.

在昨晚小组赛中,托雷斯得分帮助球队以二比一击败瑞典,在四分之一决赛中,他所在的西班牙队与斯科拉里的球队狭路相逢。The Spaniard scored in the 2-1 win over Sweden last night that took Spain through to join Scolari’s side in the quarter-finals.

“置于死地而后生”、“狭路相逢勇者胜”的中国千年古训,仍是当今的醒世恒言。" In the American", " meet on on a narrow path Who Dares Wins" China thousands of years old, still is today's stories to awaken men.