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他的行为将导致众叛亲离。His behavior will make him utterly isolated.

这种人最后只能是众叛亲离。Such people can only end up being left alone.

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别再这样,老爸。不然你很快就会众叛亲离。Hang it up. Daddy, or you'll be alone in a quick.

最终走来竟也是要面临众叛亲离的面貌。Walking also to face that eventually the face of destitute.

毕竟,为了救忒修斯,她不惜众叛亲离。After all, she had betrayed those closest to her to save Theseus.

生前众叛亲离的富豪在亲友聚会中遇害。The magnate was murdered at a gathering of relatives and friends.

当然,他们的企业倒闭,客户流失或众叛亲离。Sure, they’ve closed businesses, lost clients, and left relationships.

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这种众叛亲离之势虽然还不快,还不全面,但却是空前的。The disintegration is not rapid, nor complete, but it is unprecedented.

朋友是在众叛亲离时,第一个伸出援手的人。A friend is the first person who comes in when the whole world has gone out.

在现实中,古巴横遭劫运,破败不堪,而格瓦拉众叛亲离,一命呜呼。In reality, Cuba got plundered and decimated, and Che got betrayed and shot.

就算是众叛亲离,父母始终会为你点亮一盏灯,等待你的归家。Even utterly isolated, parents will always be for you a light, waiting for you go home.

“年幼无知”的派对女郎刚刚淡出公众视野,昔日盟友又众叛亲离。"Young and foolish, " the party girl just fade from public view, and deserted by former allies.

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如果手头没有一份记录作为谈资,你就把对手描述成一个众叛亲离的人。If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from.

也许有一天我们将失去勇气,人们会众叛亲离、一败涂地。A day may come when the courage of men fails when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship.

当你变得沉迷于自我的兴趣而浑然不觉朋友的存在时,正是你走上众叛亲离之路的开始。When you become so consumed with your own interests that you forget about your friends, you are well on your way to becoming friendless.

在蒙特利尔育碧的开发下,游戏故事将讲述山姆费舍儿在众叛亲离下的逃亡。With development handled by Ubisoft Montreal, the game isset to tell the story of series hero Sam Fisher as he is betrayed and on the run.

如果这是一种可选择的生活的话,我们中有谁会把自己拖入那种众叛亲离,备受折磨的痛苦境地中呢?And if it was a choice, do you think that every one of us would want to put ourselves through the torture of having your families disown you?

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而且刚强过度,不知节制,当止不止,导致众叛亲离,必然忧患痛苦,内心不安。Excessive and strong, do not know when the thrust control, more than, cause be deserted by one's followers, inevitable suffering pain, restless.

如果一个人长期过着一种虽然成功但压力过重的生活,众叛亲离而且由于心脏病发作英年早逝,这又有什麽意义呢?What's the point in living a permanently stressed-out, albeit successful, life, if one drives away friends and loved ones, and dies of a heart attack at an early age?

虽然布朗领导的政治会给人留下一种多么全新的开始这一问题尚无定论,但由于布莱尔在伊拉克问题上众叛亲离,布朗与布莱尔在政治立场上的迥异让他受益匪浅。With Mr. Blair so unpopular over Iraq, Mr. Brown may benefit from the distance between them, though it is a moot question of how far he will be able to generate a sense that he offers a fresh start.