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他是地地道道的英国人。He is british to the backbone.

他们是地地道道的垃圾。They were out-and-out rubbish.

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我是个地地道道的羽毛球迷。I'm a dyed-in-the-wool badminton fan.

当然了。我是个地地道道的羽毛球迷。Of course. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool badminton fan.

原来,老人是一个地地道道的爱花人。Originally, the old woman was an out-and-out flower-lover.

嘿,这个表面上温文尔雅的伙计是一个地地道道的土耳其种――除开胡子以外全都象。Why, this silky, smooth-faced companion is a very Turk-all but his beard.

然而,这位十足洋派的作家,同时却又是一个地地道道的孝子。However, the full Yangpai writer, while yet to be a thoroughly dutiful son.

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虽然只是个业余的传教士,但他是地地道道的乐观主义者“撒旦不会来这里。”The part-time preacher is a full-time optimist. "Satan does not come here."

谷歌,iPhone,脸书以及微软都是地地道道的美国产品。Google, iPhones, Facebook, and Microsoft are culturally American to the core.

他从来不相信兰开郡队——他是一个地地道道的约克郡人。He'll never give credit to a Lancashire team-he's Yorkshireman to the backbone.

欧阳先生一生教书育人,他将自己评价为一个地地道道的教书匠。Dedicating his life to education, Mr Ouyang professed to be an out-and-out teacher.

钢衬PO管件衬里层与钢管表面咬合牢固是地地道道的紧衬型钢塑管。The lining layer of PO lining CS ware occludes firmly with the surface of the CS pipe.

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我希望在我成为失眠症者之前你就认识我,因为我曾经是个地地道道的好人。I wish you knew me before I was an insomniac because I used to be a really nice person.

我是地地道道的潮汕人,如果从这个角度讲,对茶再怎么喜爱也不为过之。I was out-and-out , if from this perspective, no matter how tea is not too much of love.

如果我的塞思没有把我打得青一块紫一块,那么他就一定是一个地地道道的第三等级的塞思。If my seth didn’t beat me black and blue, then he must be an absolutely third-class seth.

而该房就是一座地地道道的石头宫殿,全用砖石砌筑而成,无一根木料。The room is an out-and-out rock palaces, with brick masonry from the whole, without a wood.

利物浦人讲话的某些声调和荷兰语很相似,并且我女儿就是个地地道道的利物浦人。Scousers talk with some sounds that are similar to Dutch and my daughter is a proper Scouser.

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猜不出来吧,告诉你吧,我的爸爸是地地道道的是烟迷。What is fan Can not guess right, to tell you the truth, my father is out-and-out is smoke fan.

虽然人们有时认为考拉属于地地道道的熊类,但实际上它与熊科没什么关系。Although sometimes known as the native bear , the koala is in fact no relation to the bear family.

在这儿我必须的承认的是直到我生小孩儿之前我都是个地地道道的购物狂。I have a confession to make here, I used to be an absolute shopaholic until the point I had a baby.