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就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay

在巴亚海湾浮石岛附近。Beside a pumice isle in Baiac's bay.

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就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边。Beside ea pumice isle in Baiae5s bay.

每次只要加很少的酒精和浮石粉。Add only a little alcohol and pumice as you work.

在台北,一些商店销售这些浮石用来擦身。In Taipei, stores sell these stones as scrubbers.

浮石认为自己既是始作俑者,也是受害者。Mr. Fu sees himself as both perpetrator and victim.

陶波湖岸上布满了一片片的浮石。Lake Taupo's shore is covered with pieces of pumice.

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把它给我”海浮石沉下脸色。Give me it"the sea pumice submerge down facial expression."

我们公司供应各类刷子,足档案,浮石。Our company supplies various types of brush, foot file, pumice.

添加褪色效果的牛仔裤可以用砂纸或浮石容易。Adding a faded effect to jeans can be easy with sand paper or a pumice stone.

到了浮石乡街上,向右就是前往圳玄村的乡间小路…Pumice to street, right is the village to the canal xuan village country road.

实践证明,摆动式浮石机合乎分选的要求,且达到了很高的分选效率。By the practice testify, the machine accord with request of dispart and select.

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用小石头或浮石在花盆底部划上一两英寸长的口子确保正常排水。Line the bottom inch or two with small rocks or pumice to ensure good drainage.

火山灰、浮石、火山砾构成的“阵雨”在庞贝城下了8天8夜。A shower of tephra, stones and lapillus rained down and lasted 8 days and nights.

随着熟练,这也是代替浮石粉的好方法,只是需要更多时间。With practice, this is also a good alternative to pumicing but takes much longer.

这只是几种专门替代浮石粉的方法。These are just a few methods that were designed to replace the pumicing procedure.

用一滴酒精,清澄浮石粉后开始涂擦所有刮伤的地方。With a drop of alcohol, clear the pumice and begin rubbing over all of the scratches.

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浮石数码是设计行业视觉技术的应用服务公司。Pumice digital visual design industry is the application of technology services company.

对硬壳浮石骨料混凝土的制备工艺进行了研究。A series of research on preparation technique of hard-shell pumice concrete are researched.

“你顾忌宫里那个老头子?”海浮石不以为然道。"Do you have scruples about that old headman in the temple?"The sea pumice disagrees a way.