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能力或许会让你青云直上,到达顶峰,但这必须有足够的人格魅力,才能让你留在那里。Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

荣膺2008-2009赛季最佳新秀的闪耀表现只是罗斯青云直上的一个开始。A stellar 2008-2009 Rookie of the Year season was just the beginning of a meteoric rise for Rose.

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接受一个销售目标,一个生产线上的工作,一个涉及运营方面的工作,别作太多计划,也别要求要“青云直上”。Take a sales quota, a line role, an ops job. Don't plan too much, and don't expect a direct climb.

2008年,小萨科齐就青云直上,成功当选上塞纳省纳伊市议员。In 2008, a small straight Albatron Sarkozy, has been elected city councilor of Neuilly on the Seine.

当你青云直上时,要友善待人,因为你不知道在你走下坡路时会不会遇见他们。Be good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.

几年下来,公司赚钱,个人成功,事业如青云直上,多好。In few years, the company makes money and you succeed in your career by moving into the fast lane. How nice!

假如他年轻点儿的时候他们就上台了,他有可能正在支持大屠杀的组织青云直上,有赞助者,土豆条儿,钥匙牌,咖啡。If they’d had them when he was younger, he might have thrived in some sort of Holocaust support group, with sponsors, chips, key tags, coffee.

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他在写这本书时,奥巴马还没有粉墨登场,但是他以神奇的预见力描述了能够使奥巴马青云直上的氛围。The book was written while Barack Obama’s career was still on the launch pad, yet it describes with uncanny prescience the atmosphere that allowed him to soar.

大量英国小说都讲述贫困的主人公在经济和社会的阶梯上青云直上,或得助于美好的姻缘,或由于不为人知的贵族背景被发现。Many English novels show a poor main character rising on the economic and social ladder, perhaps because of a good marriage or the discovery of a hidden aristocratic past.

对于交易近年来青云直上的现象,TED回忆说,“他们会说,'你们才是真正的寄生虫,享受昂贵的午餐,在我们的交易操作幕后处理案子。'”As the traders came out on top in recent years, TED recalled, “they would say, ‘You guys are the real parasites, going to expensive lunches and doing deals on the back of our trading operations.